someone leaked tge on soulseek

Wow, a plethora of opinions.
So, I will add one.
I would reword this thread to someone
dropped it out to soulseek. The combined
weak sample quality and lame British
accent depicting the album from CM makes it
It definitely is noticeable there is another cook in
the kitchen with the new twist in guitar work. But,
the writing doesn't stand up to the previous stuff!
The best parts are the rehashed rhythms and
solos from previous songs that can be picked out right away.
That's what kept me listening.
I would say the vocals are the weak link this time. Warrel,
is the secret power in...the bottle?
I will NOT be buying this CD and probably won't download
the better MP3's. Sadly, would the title for this
CD better to be called "Final Product"?
theeBlackWidow said:
Wow, a plethora of opinions.
So, I will add one.
I would reword this thread to someone
dropped it out to soulseek. The combined
weak sample quality and lame British
accent depicting the album from CM makes it
It definitely is noticeable there is another cook in
the kitchen with the new twist in guitar work. But,
the writing doesn't stand up to the previous stuff!
The best parts are the rehashed rhythms and
solos from previous songs that can be picked out right away.
That's what kept me listening.
I would say the vocals are the weak link this time. Warrel,
is the secret power in...the bottle?
I will NOT be buying this CD and probably won't download
the better MP3's. Sadly, would the title for this
CD better to be called "Final Product"?

Ai, you're gay
theeBlackWidow said:
Wow, a plethora of opinions.
So, I will add one.
I would reword this thread to someone
dropped it out to soulseek. The combined
weak sample quality and lame British
accent depicting the album from CM makes it
It definitely is noticeable there is another cook in
the kitchen with the new twist in guitar work. But,
the writing doesn't stand up to the previous stuff!
The best parts are the rehashed rhythms and
solos from previous songs that can be picked out right away.
That's what kept me listening.
I would say the vocals are the weak link this time. Warrel,
is the secret power in...the bottle?
I will NOT be buying this CD and probably won't download
the better MP3's. Sadly, would the title for this
CD better to be called "Final Product"?

Why are guests always the biggest turds in the toilet? This is the most worthless inaccurate thign I"ve read about the album.

I downloaded it (yes) and I think I might have to buy it when it comes out. This is pretty fucking good stuff, it appears that they have won me over this time around. Good work!
Marksveld said:
I downloaded it (yes) and I think I might have to buy it when it comes out. This is pretty fucking good stuff, it appears that they have won me over this time around. Good work!

You THINK? THINK? C'mon!!! It should be, "I WILL buy this the day it arrives in stores." There's no "I Think!"

Hmm. Downloading music is great. I do it constantly, that way I can weed out the weaker, not-worth-buying albums and buy the worthy ones. As I've said before: I am going to buy this beautiful album. And as for that turd burglar guest-dude, he obviously isn't a fan if he can't appreciate an album from a great band. This new album is one of Nevermore's best works. It kills DHIADW and EoR, it's tied with DNB and POE. Woot.