Someone shut my stupid friend up

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I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
Basically long story short (I dont defend either macs or pcs before this gets ugly im open to both but i HAPPEN to own a pc)
With limited knowledge of macs and PC's my friend says to me ' If you're gonna get serious about recording you're really going to need a macbook'. At this point i though 'ahh feck this is gonna be looong' so I started to tell him my personal opinions why i still stick with my PC
.HAd no Blue screen of deaths
.no viruses pop ups etc
.it still runs fast and fine and has a bugger load of memory left

but even when i told him this he said 'All the best producers use it' (by the wau he listens to dubstep and all that kinda stuff, not really my stuff but whatever). Basically my main reason is , I want to (in a spiteful way) be able to sum up a list of a few notorious rappers/dubstep producers/any famous producers that have made great recordings on PCs and (if you can) STILL use a PC.

It's just to shut him up, otherwise he will break my balls and the shit WILL hit the fan (it wont really)
the best albums have all been mixed on macs anyways

Yeah, the faders all have that 'Mac' sound right out of the box :D

But seriously there's probably no point in trying to convince someone one way or the other. I'll never be a Mac fanboy, ever. He'll never be a PC fanboy, ever. And it's nearly impossible to try and convince the other side that your side is even usable.
Any platform will do fine. It is down to personal preference. However, I would venture to say that the vast majority of professional studios are running a Mac versus a PC.
ewww we have the fostex recorder in the university studio so we can 'learn' the old ways, its the most pointless thing to get my head around :(

I´m joking dude, but that´s how it started for me. I still have my beloved fostex, but I´m glad working with PC´s nowadays. Never saw a reason to change to Mac. I work with Windows XP since 2005 with not ONE single time crash(!)
Haha yep , science vs religion, democrat vs republican , star trek vs star wars, and playstation vs xbox.
Fanboys can just never shut the fuck up.
Um... You don't get a MacBook if you're really serious about recording... Just like you don't get any other entry-level laptop (mostly) for recording. But you'll get it if you can't afford anything else.

I couldn't afford anything else than a MacBook, but I chose to pay more for a laptop than I would have for a PC laptop with similar specs. I'm very happy with it, but of course I would have bought a MacBook Pro or a Mac Pro if I would have had more money to spend on a computer.

I hear that all the time too. Pros use Mac, and legions of less-than-pros use PC and all their shit is cracked. It's too generalizing, but to some extent it's true. Nothing that's set in stone, anyway.
I've been a Mac user my entire life, and I still wouldn't recommend a MacBook over a decent PC Tower. If you could spring a good deal on a MacBook Pro and you need the portability, I'd say sure, but an entry level Mac is not better than mid-range to pro PC.

For every good recording done on a Mac you can do on a PC. The end result is hardly a matter of discussion.
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