'Something good happened today' <--You? Post here!

Rahvin! I've been missing you. And I will miss you on holiday - sorry, no electricity where i'm going
No, as a matter of fact i'm going to a medieval city built on an archeological site in the middle of forests and lakes. I will wear medieval garb, make clay pots, eat buckwheat, drink goat milk, wash in the lake etc. I'm looking forward to it but i really don't know how I will survive 2 months without the internet.
Got Before the Dawn - My Darkness in the mail today. It was posted from Seinäjoki; I find something strangely amusing about the fact that I just went to Seinäjoki, then came back, then got a CD from there. Hmm.
Rusty said:
Got Before the Dawn - My Darkness in the mail today. It was posted from Seinäjoki; I find something strangely amusing about the fact that I just went to Seinäjoki, then came back, then got a CD from there. Hmm.

Haha, reminds me of one time when my grandparents brought me flowers. They had bought them from their hometown (which is 250km from my home) but the flowers had been grown in a greenhouse which lies only 2km from here :p
Qsilver said:
Haha, reminds me of one time when my grandparents brought me flowers. They had bought them from their hometown (which is 250km from my home) but the flowers had been grown in a greenhouse which lies only 2km from here :p
I don't suppose there's any chance you worked there as well, is there? Now that would be good. :p
rahvin said:
oh. tell the deep-sea fishes i said hi. ;)
Ah, but many fishes in the deep sea do possess and make use of electricity and chemical lighting