'Something good happened today' <--You? Post here!

Well it certainly hadn't for me, but I was just about to bump it with the following.

Today was reasonably productive for a change. I nearly finished cleaning and tidying my room, learnt Tenhi's Kuolleesi Jokeen on guitar, and actually did some strenuous physical exercise by sawing some dead branches off one of our trees and lugging them onto the grass. I was quite pleased that after that I wasn't completely knackered and could've carried on for longer if there was any more needed doing, maybe I'm not as unfit as I thought I was. I also watched Snatch, which I've been meaning to put on for over 6 months now, and apart from that I spent minimal time at the computer (though I did keep coming back to play Gothador for 5 minutes every couple of hours :p). Now if only I had lots of beer.
Come by, dude. I'll get us a 12-pack to share
MagSec4 said:
Come by, dude. I'll get us a 12-pack to share
Oh we'd need more than a 12-pack if you wanted to have any too. ;) And it'd better not be lager either. I'll fax you with the rest of my demands.
Rusty said:
Oh we'd need more than a 12-pack if you wanted to have any too. ;) And it'd better not be lager either. I'll fax you with the rest of my demands.
I got your fax.

A 24-pack of Ale beer is definitely not a problem..
I can ask if they have that specific kind, but I doubt it..
No, you cannot go 'Manchester-united-hoolingan-ape-shit' on my things while you're here...
I have no idea what you want with 50 rolls of aluminum foil..
And no, I am NOT getting you an inflatable doll of Shakira.

Li, Siren: Definitely. Please do join us.

Caelestia said:
MagSec4 said:
I, myself, have just found myself more and more confused :/
Oh? Does my growing confusion bring you pleasure? :confused:
MagSec4 said:
No, you cannot go 'Manchester-united-hoolingan-ape-shit' on my things while you're here...
Evidently you have the wrong fax, I would never stoop so low as to bring up Manchester United out of nowhere.
MagSec4 said:
And no, I am NOT getting you an inflatable doll of Shakira.
Well, hmmm, maybe it was my fax after all... :confused: