Songs from the s/t cd..your feedback requested!

I'd rather they don't redo them unless they are redoing them all, but if they must do just a few they have to include "Rapture or Pain". The intro to this song, done with high production value, would be awesome!!! I like the chorus in this song too. All the others would be interesting too, but I have to agree with a lot of the posters here... I don't know that even the mighty Russ could make the chorus of Shades of Grey good. He'd definitely make it better, but that's not saying much. I've always though that chorus was extremely weak, which sucks because the rest of the song is ok. Maybe it was just Rod's vocals, who knows? We'll see I guess.
Hey, I just remembered, R*O*C*K*S set up a poll a few weeks ago asking people to vote on their favorite song from the s/t album. Why not check the results of that poll and send them to MJR so he can pick the top however many songs they are going to do.
Because people who normally avoid polls might be inclined to voice their opinion if they know the band is not only listening, but requesting their input..hence the new thread. :)
Shades of Gay?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

That song is terrible! Please, PLEASE do not include it on a remake CD...Anyway, here are my wishes:

The Raging Season
Taunting the Notorious
Absinthe and Rue
A Lesson in Dying
Thorns of Sorrow
scanner313 said:
Hey, I just remembered, R*O*C*K*S set up a poll a few weeks ago asking people to vote on their favorite song from the s/t album. Why not check the results of that poll and send them to MJR so he can pick the top however many songs they are going to do.

this wasn't mine :p

anyway, I'd like

Into The Dementia/The Raging Season
Shades Of Grey
A Lesson Before Dying
R*O*C*K*S* said:
this wasn't mine :p

anyway, I'd like

Into The Dementia/The Raging Season
Shades Of Grey
A Lesson Before Dying

Sorry R*O*C*K*S, I was wrong. I just assumed it was you as you did the "V" poll (I think). I thought you were setting up all of those polls. It was actually Progmetalfan who set up this one. Sorry. :)
the whole thing
and how about a remaster of "the damnation game" album. that cd could use some cleaning up and better production. if they could get the tracks and somehow make it sound a bit less gray it would be awesome
a lot of work but there is nothing wrong with having a record of having nothing but TOP NOTCH, ABSOLUTELY PERFECT cd's out. if it wasn't for those 2 everything s.x. has done is among the best cd's ever produced. the songs on the first 2 are great and i still like listening to them but imagine what they could do now that their budget isn't as limited as it was when they recorded those 2
i really like shades of grey

i think it paints some of the most colorful tones from that album...

anyway i am going to listen to the CD tonight so i can give a better answer than "the whole thing" (which i stand by but i guess if i can't have it i will still participate and aassist by naming some tunes)
ok after listening i say

THe Raging Season

and if possible A Lesson Before Dying

MAYBE absinthe and rue. the song isn't so great itself but the instrumental sections are very good.

yeah its true..shades of grey is crap..i only like the solo section and the riff with the stacatto sus chords