The perfect setlist

SyXified said:
In the Dragons Den - the song is fantastic and has yet to be featured live, despite the clamour I see for it on this forum all the time.
Seconded. All great choices, but I wanted to express just how much I'd love to hear this live. I think it used to be played at shows before V.
After hearing it many many times the last days I really have to add

Here is the set:

1. Damnation Game
2. In the Dragon's Den
3. Frontiers
4. Transcendence/Communion and the Oracle
5. Secrets
6. Accolade I
7. The Accolade II
8. Smoke and Mirrors
9. Whispers
10. Through the Looking Glass
11. In a Winter's Dream-Prelude Pt 1./ The Ascenscion Pt. 2
12. A Fool's Paradise
13. Rediscovery Pt. 1/ Rediscovery Pt. 2
14. A Lesson Before Dying


14. Out of the Ashes
15. The Divine Wings of Tragedy
16. The Edge of Forever

Songs that need to be rotated out:
1. Wicked
2. Infreno
3. Evolution

Songs SX MUST Play:
1. The Edge of Forever
2. Whispers
4. Masquerade or anything off the first album!
If they decide to play anything from the earlier albums, I'd be curious to hear how Lepond will improve the bass lines. The Edge of Forever comes to mind.
**New Song**
**New Song**
Smoke And Mirrors
Communion And The Oracle
Accolade 1
Accolade 2
**New Epic**
The Turning
**New Song**
Church Of The Machine
King Of Terrors
Damnation Game
Sea Of Lies
Sins And Shadows
I'd love to have included:

The Edge Of Forever (MUST)
Accolade II
A Fool's Paradise
Death of Balance/Lacrymosa
A Winter's Dream Pt 1 & 2
Through The Looking Glass
Lady Of The Snow
A Lesson Before Dying
Paradise Lost ;)
Its kinda late so I don't got time for a whole setlist...however I will add it l8ter on!

1 song I think they have to play is 'The Edge of Forever' and I think in the middle of their setlist they should rip it out and do some improve stuff! Or maybe something completely out of the blue, like a cover song or something... I would love to see them play a Huge symphony X setlist and than whip out some MJR stylings, or DT stuff and play that for shits and giggles..
Ptah Khnemu said:
Symphony X should cover Mozart's Requiem. :rock:

Well, you can hear the "Lacrymosa" part on "V". But I also think it would be extremely cool if they cover the whole Requiem...
I really hope they don't do any covers, and if they must, I hope it's something classical.

I really hope they replace some of the standard short & heavy songs with other ones, like The Relic or Dressed to Kill.
MorphineChild205 said:
I really hope they don't do any covers, and if they must, I hope it's something classical.

I really hope they replace some of the standard short & heavy songs with other ones, like The Relic or Dressed to Kill.

yes and TEoF, Whispers and Damnation Game...No Covers!
dusro2 said:
yes and TEoF, Whispers and Damnation Game...No Covers!

Hey, someone else from Chicago!

The Edge of Forever goes without saying! Whispers is another song I'd love to hear, simply for the orchestration. From the same album, the title track and The Haunting are also some wicked choices.

However, seeing as the band has pretty much ignored this album in the recent past, I can't imagine them playing more than one song from it.
First time poster, long time Symphony X fan (well, since 1999 actually).

(Please don't hate me for saying this, but) before I enter my ideal SX setlist, I have to say that I don't really like "The Odyssey" (the song) that much (seeing as it seems to be the undisputed champion of the epics on this board, I thought I'd offer a differing opinion ;) ). It never clicked with me (well, except the "Champion of Ithaca" part). I think it sounds a little bit like a cheap film score (like Rage's Suite Lingua Mortis on Speak of the Dead) and lacks cohesion, unlike "Rediscovery (Part II)", "Through the Looking Glass", etc. I hope they don't play it anytime soon as I'd rather hear three 8-minute songs in its place.:erk:

On to the setlist (in chronological order):
-The Edge of Forever
-A Winter's Dream - The Ascension (Part II)+
-Of Sins and Shadows+
-Sea of Lies
-The Accolade+
-Candlelight Fantasia+
-Smoke and Mirrors
-In the Dragon's Den+
-Through the Looking Glass
-The Relic
-Communion and the Oracle+
-Absence of Light+
-Rediscovery (Part II)+
-Accolade II
-King of Terrors+

+ = songs I want to hear the most
MorphineChild205 said:
Hey, someone else from Chicago!

The Edge of Forever goes without saying! Whispers is another song I'd love to hear, simply for the orchestration. From the same album, the title track and The Haunting are also some wicked choices.

However, seeing as the band has pretty much ignored this album in the recent past, I can't imagine them playing more than one song from it.

No lucky enough to have seen the Symphony at Progpower I were Dressed to Kill was played...since then TEoF was played one time at PP2 and that is it. Ive seen them 7 times since then and nothing off the first 2 albums. Which blows!