Sopranos final episode

That was indeed pretty lame, and served one of two purposes:

1) Baits you to await some full length movie
2) The creators were laughing their ass off picturing all us schmucks on the edge of our seats waiting for Tony to get whacked!
You all saw that, too, right? They were sitting there... shady characters all around... Meadow fucking around outside building suspense... she walks in and... it just goes black!?! That's what happened, right? My dish didn't just fucking explode? God damn it what a fucking... I don't even know what that was! Ten fucking years and that's what they give us. Nothing. How long did we wait for this (half) season, and what was the point of it? The whole thing just led up to a blank screen with no resolution of the story.
I think we're supposed to assume that Tony was indicted, but still. I would like to know. It was such a great show for those first few seasons, and then... it just dissolved into nothing. I stuck with it because I wanted to see what would becomes of Tony and his family (both of them), and they never tell us.
Who's the bigger sucker:

A- The person who watched a show that is pretty damn good, but is then dissapointed by how it ends, OR

B- The person who posts in a thread about it, despite not watching it.

The answer, of course, is B. Amarantus, you are a really big loser. It's true. Someday, when you're older (maybe sixteen or so) you will understand this, then you will probably kill yourself. Trust me, it will be for the best.

Could you give me your address, though? I would like to take legal action against the skank who shat you out for not aborting you.
Chill out, man. It's just TV.

None of that had to do with the TV show. It had to do with Amarantus being a subhuman shitstain.

I hope they make a full length movie that will resolve everything.

Chase already said that they won't do that.

Don't get mad at me because the writers of The Sopranos made you feel like an idiot.

I'm annoyed that the finale of a good show sucked. Don't mistake "feeling annoyed" with "feeling decieved".

My problem with you is that you are the worst human being to ever exist. Frankly, I'm stunned that your complete lack of any intelligence or redeeming qualities has not already caused your death. Surley you will have choked on a crunchberry or been put to sleep before you reach 18.
I rather that he choke on a "dingleberry" :lol:

Anyways here is a idea about Sylvio... perhaps he didn't die and just became a vegetable or in a coma... hence he will not regain conciousness...