

Oct 14, 2003
I want to apologize to the board for being a bit of a shit stirrer as of late. I've just been in one of those moods, not trying to pick fights or flame anyone in particular, just in a ..... mood. Not sure how else to explain it. If nothing else I guess it helped fire the board up a little.

So if I've pissed you off over the last couple of days I'm sorry. And if I have NOT pissed you off over the last couple of days, just give me a few more days and I'll get around to you. :)
Wicked Child said:
No problems here. I've actually found it kind of amusing. :)

Good. Then you took my mouthing off in the right spirt. It's good to get the blood pumping every now and again. :)
It's all good...keeps things interesting - and it is definitely good to get things fired up once in a while. Just as long as everyone else is allowed the same latitude, I think we're all good to go.

Greeno said:
I want to apologize to the board for being a bit of a shit stirrer as of late. I've just been in one of those moods, not trying to pick fights or flame anyone in particular, just in a ..... mood. Not sure how else to explain it. If nothing else I guess it helped fire the board up a little.

So if I've pissed you off over the last couple of days I'm sorry. And if I have NOT pissed you off over the last couple of days, just give me a few more days and I'll get around to you. :)
lol I'v been in that Mood to Green No worries! :loco:
I wondered what the f@#$%k was up with all the negative vibes from you, insaulting Page and the Beatles so openly, not that you aren't allowed to but it's pretty bold. It's OK though, I know where you come from .. I think :devil:
Well, I for one, am EXTREMELY pissed. How dare you be such a shit stirrer, Greeno?!?!


Nah, I'm just pissed that I never heard the HELLACOPTERS until a few months ago! haha

Greeno is a great man with balls as big as churchbells!
Greeno said:
So if I've pissed you off over the last couple of days I'm sorry. And if I have NOT pissed you off over the last couple of days, just give me a few more days and I'll get around to you. :)

You have pissed me off by not pissing me off until I read this thread of appologies to all the people who you've pissed off and I realized I wasn't one of them so now I'm pissed off because I wasn't deemed good enough to be pissed off sooner but I guess you did it in the end so I'll let you off this time just don't let it happen again o.k. next time I wanna be higher on the list of people you're pissing off :loco: :lol:
sixxswine said:
I didn't see anything that was upsetting to me Greeno.
It's all good, brother.
Rawk On!
Same here.

And if you want a bad moods you had to saw me today, I'm barely feel like posting.
sixxswine said:
I didn't see anything that was upsetting to me Greeno.
It's all good, brother.
Rawk On!

To be honest I've been surprised that you've not jumped my ass over the last few days. :lol:
Greeno said:
I want to apologize to the board for being a bit of a shit stirrer as of late. I've just been in one of those moods, not trying to pick fights or flame anyone in particular, just in a ..... mood. Not sure how else to explain it. If nothing else I guess it helped fire the board up a little.

So if I've pissed you off over the last couple of days I'm sorry. And if I have NOT pissed you off over the last couple of days, just give me a few more days and I'll get around to you. :)
You can take a shot at me next, I don't mind. :D I'm not one for passing out insults or anything except for to trolls, but a good ole' flame war (done with moderate respect) might set a fire to this place.

Wyvern said:
Same here.

And if you want a bad moods you had to saw me today, I'm barely feel like posting.
Hmmm...... Vern I love you to death brother, but I don't see you in particularly good moods often. :D But you wouldn't be Vern if you weren't the way you are so it's all good.

delize said:
I like taking my anger out on other boards :lol:

Ha ha ha me too. Occasionally I used to go to the gen music forum and stir up trouble, though I did it discreetly. I don't do it much anymore. It's still not my "thing" over there, but the moderator has really done a fair job there on keeping a lot less flame posts around. They are still there, but they have declined a good bit.

Bryant said:
Hmmm...... Vern I love you to death brother, but I don't see you in particularly good moods often. :D But you wouldn't be Vern if you weren't the way you are so it's all good.

Bryant, life is shit and then you die (that's my mood lately or mainly or mostly :D ). But you know why I carry on?

Because of you and the rest that gives support. Love ya til leather bro :wave:

Love ya all people (and the girls double) :Smokedev: