
Bryant said:
You can take a shot at me next, I don't mind.


Nah... I don't think I posted any personal attacks, just opinions on bands that some people didn't like. Usually if I don't like a band that someone is posting about I'll not reply or post something like "not my cup of tea" but in the mood I was in I was letting my opinions fly. :) Nothing personal towards anyone, I was just in a neg mood. Mainly because I hate this time of year... right after the holidays... back to work and a new year of crap ahead of me. YUCK!!!!
zeppelin said:
insaulting Page and the Beatles so openly, not that you aren't allowed to but it's pretty bold.

Not to keep my negativity going, but why do you consider that as being bold? Just because the Rock N Roll historians tell us that the Beatles are the greatest and most influential band of all time does not mean that we have to accept it. If you think that they are I totally respect you're opinion but I would still think that they are not that big of a deal.

All I'm saying is that I feel that all of us on this board are not just your average music listeners, and we don't need some guy on PBS or VH1 telling us who we should bow down and pray to. So if you do feel that the Beatles are the greatest band ever then shout it from the mountain top (and tell me to fuck off :) ), but don't feel afriad to say that you don't like them (or any of the "classic" they were first so they're the best bands).

Fuck I don't know, maybe I'm in the minority here. I just think that it's ok to challenge the "old guard". It seems like that if anyone ever says anything negative about the Beatles 15 guys and 1 midget will kick the shit out of them.

Every time I tell some one I don't like the Beatles I feel like I'm standing in the middle of a church telling the flock there is no God.... jaws drop, blank stares and then anger.
nahh,dont worry greeno-i think they are shit too,and i live much closer to liverpool than you do!
pioneers of music they may be,and well paid they have been,but they still suck cock compared to early metallica.

penny lane or battery-its found in me my friend.hell yeah!
Bryant said:
Ha ha ha me too. Occasionally I used to go to the gen music forum and stir up trouble, though I did it discreetly. I don't do it much anymore. It's still not my "thing" over there, but the moderator has really done a fair job there on keeping a lot less flame posts around. They are still there, but they have declined a good bit.


I started out on that board before I became a regular here. I noticed the General Music forum is no fun anymore :) I guess people are scared of being banned. :)

Nu-metal boards, out on the net, are the best place to stir things up!
Just tell them their lead singer is ugly and they go nuts. :lol:
Go to the METALLICA board on their official site! They are TOOOOUCHY there! It's so fun! :lol:

And it's kinda like Bizarro land over there, too. Y'know how we rip on mallcore sometimes, well over there, they rip on our metal! Which i find so ironic and amusing, considering it's a METALLICA board.
Greeno said:
Not to keep my negativity going, but why do you consider that as being bold? Just because the Rock N Roll historians tell us that the Beatles are the greatest and most influential band of all time does not mean that we have to accept it. If you think that they are I totally respect you're opinion but I would still think that they are not that big of a deal. .

I thought you were just pissed off, but if you really don't like them that's OK too. I like them cause it's very hard to cover their music, they weren't a three cord grunge band like most bands are today, they came up with seriously unconventional styles of playing. Alot of their music does sound like nursery rhymes, I don't like that either, it's all about sweet and sour I guess...
Wicked Child said:
Go to the METALLICA board on their official site! They are TOOOOUCHY there! It's so fun! :lol:

And it's kinda like Bizarro land over there, too. Y'know how we rip on mallcore sometimes, well over there, they rip on our metal! Which i find so ironic and amusing, considering it's a METALLICA board.
Shit I never though on that one. Good way to release tension, go and bash Popallica in their own forum :loco: