
Haha yes I wonder what the fuckin deal with that movie is. I always wanted to see that movie, cos a lot of people like it, and a few months ago I finally saw it, I thought it was shit. No shocking scenes at all... When I wanna see a shocking movie I go see Cannibal Holocaust :):)
I thought the scene in the bus was cool though, with that psycho and his knife. Apart from that, it's an annoying movie. Maybe I saw a cut version or something, I dunno.
toolsofthetrade said:

Well, I reckon Slayer have a song that is officialy part of Dracula's OST, I think it was
Dracula 2000 or something but I did not watch the movie anyhowzz.
Don Corleone said:
texas chainsaw massacre = bollocks
Cerulean said:
Haha yes I wonder what the fuckin deal with that movie is. I always wanted to see that movie, cos a lot of people like it, and a few months ago I finally saw it, I thought it was shit. No shocking scenes at all... When I wanna see a shocking movie I go see Cannibal Holocaust :):)
I thought the scene in the bus was cool though, with that psycho and his knife. Apart from that, it's an annoying movie. Maybe I saw a cut version or something, I dunno.
Don Corleone said:
yeah it's definitely a cult movie, but it still doesnt change the fact it's shit.
What the fuck are you guys on? :ill: It's one focking depressing, mean and twisted movie. It wasn't ment to be anything to do with gore and such. The down-to-earth photography and natural look of the film made it even more effective for me. It's one big bloody nightmare, makes me nervous everytime I watch it. That first scene with leatherface comes so unexpected and sudden it still scares the shit out of me. And the fact that the most killings aren't typical 'let's run and hide for ten minutes'. No, it's a hit in the head with a sledgehammer and that's it. That's proper horror, damn it! :yell:

[edit] I'm, offcourse, talking about the original one. Remake had nothing new to give, but lots of irrelevant shit thrown in. I'll stick to my precioussss dvd of the one and only tcm.
Yeh I understand all your points, but it's just not my thing. Like the scene at the table near the end of the movie, it's simply ANNOYING in my humble opinion. Also twisted yeh, sure, and it also makes me nervous yeh, but for me it's not a good thing in this case... I also don't like other classics like Psycho and that. I was happy to rent it, but the only thing I could think of it when it finished was 'that was it????'
Falconspirit said:
Well, I reckon Slayer have a song that is officialy part of Dracula's OST, I think it was
Dracula 2000 or something but I did not watch the movie anyhowzz.
You lucky falconspirit.
Dracula 2000 was for me one of the shittiest movies of all times:ill:
Cerulean said:
Yeh I understand all your points, but it's just not my thing. Like the scene at the table near the end of the movie, it's simply ANNOYING in my humble opinion. Also twisted yeh, sure, and it also makes me nervous yeh, but for me it's not a good thing in this case... I also don't like other classics like Psycho and that. I was happy to rent it, but the only thing I could think of it when it finished was 'that was it????'
I was amazed by psycho. The last scene with Perkins dressed in his mother is awsome. I was with my mouth wide open, couldn't say nothing by the shock.:hypno: