Southern California Thread

saw Black Sabbath for the 1st time at the hollywood bowl last saturday. they sounded great, respect to the fathers of metal! Ozzy is a funny guy!
^Seen them before back when they used to do Ozzfest. Very enjoyable show. I didn't go this time because ticket prices were pretty ridiculous compared to their older shows.
I am thinking about moving to Cali. Any suggestions on where to live? I am considering grad school at UCLA, USC, or USF. I've heard a lot of good and bad about the LA area
depends on what you want to do for work/how willing you are to commute. For instance, I live in Long Beach, and I think it's pretty fantastic. The area around UCLA is super expensive, and USC is in the ghetto. LA is great for food, and there are a shitton of things to do.

Bay area is super cool, but unless if you're making tons of money, you'll probably be living in the East Bay (Oakland, Berkeley, etc.). SF is really nice, and I love visiting there. The whole feel is pretty laid back. I just know I would never be able to afford living in the city.

San Diego is great too. You have pockets with great neighborhood vibes, and the beer is amazing in SD. Plus you're close to TJ if you want to go away for a weekend.

Tons of options. All have pros and cons. Obviously, driving in LA sucks. It takes on average between 30 minutes and an hour to get anywhere. If there's traffic, that time can easily be doubled.
I can't stand L.A., only reason I go there is for the music scene. One big compacted mess.

SF is nice but don't expect to drive anywhere. Especially don't expect to park anywhere. Public transportation or bike/walk.
Fuck yeah dude. Were getting some fuckin gusts roll through here.

Might trek it up to Santa Cruz this weekend. If anyone has been there before and could reccomend some cool spots to check out, that would be awesome :)
not Santa Cruz, but if you want a killer place to stop for lunch on the way up, check out Los Agaves in Santa Barbara. Amazing Mexican food.
What? San Diego is a shittier version of LA IMO, and LA is shitty as it is
you know what? I'm a sucker for LA too. There's something about this city that I can't get away from. It's inexplicable. Bukowski, Fante and others have sort of hinted at this electric lure but have never really been able to quite express it. It's the food, it's the sprawl, it's the diversity, it's the shitty's everything combined

and especially the mexican food.
San Diego has incredible mexican food too. But I get what you mean. There's something about the hollywood area especially to me. Downtown not as much.
And we have a fucking basketball team. The fucking lakers. Yeah we've sucked for a few years but the inner child in me will always, always get gitty when I'm around the center or fuckkk at a game. San Diego has the chargers.....fuck that shit
Are you drinking tonight too? sounds like it lol. Yeah I'm with you on those teams, Love the Lakers, i'm not going to be a fucking clippers fan just because they're more successful. And fuck the chargers. 49ers here.

Btw I'm going to Scion Rock Fest in May. Bunch of underground thrash bands will be there and other stuff for you death metallers and doom and shit. I count at least 8 bands I want to see, +probably find some new stuff there.

Machine Head
High on Fire
Red Fang
Power Trip
Jex Thoth
In Cold Blood
Lord Dying
Hot Lunch
Aqua Nebula
All Them Witches
Pins of Light
The Well
Big Business
Black Sheep Wall