Sovtek 6550 vs. Tung-Sol 6550

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I've just compared these two tubes in my krankenstein.....first I thought I'd as well try some =C=KT88 in there, but then I realized I'm too lazy to take them out of my it's just these two brands.
KT88 vs 6550 wouldn't have been fair anyway;)

Sovtek 6550
Tung Sol 6550

Of course there's no post-processing on these clips, and both brands were biased exactly the same (48mA)
Man, I know it's not like it's worls apart, but to me the Tung Sol sound way beefier/chunkier, the Sovteks sound kinda thin and "hollow" in comparison.

EDIT: Links should be working fine, anyone else having trouble?
Links are working now.

I'd be hard pressed to tell them apart, but my initial reaction was that the Tung Sol sounded just a little bit "bigger", if that makes any sense.