<span style="color:">Anders and Jonas, come on! Give us some fuckin news about the ne


Feb 6, 2007
Really, at least give us some more info than just nothing, ok?:Smokin:

1. Did you already start with the recordings?
2. Will the album be released in 2009?
3. When will you come up with sound samples?

Thanks in advance for your reply!
Yes, otherwise we'll all hold our breath, get blue and die horribly and no one will buy your stuff!

Or something.

And we'll turn to white metal and join a rapture group without hugging.
:D I'm glad someone here takes me seriously...hahaha, well worth the try! They know we love them. We hurt them because we love them ;D

Btw; if the news are bad, we will be calm about it. Yes we will...!
Do these sort of threads ever actually result in a response from one of the band members? :)
Ok, I just got an idea..and I did something. But I'll wait and see what happens. Will keep you updated if whatever I did had any impact ;)
Intro is something..where did you get this info from? They've made an intro? That's pretty unKatatonialike...
I was mocking them because they're taking forever to do the new album.

Ah, damn...I guess hope can make a person humorless?

I really want to know what you did

Yeah, heh..right..I might tell you in a while. It's just that I haven't given it up yet. It's not an idea that will help anything really..but I think I will feel better somehow. Most likely not since it seems to not work in any way so far. So yes, stupid idea. I guess this doesn't help you much either..haha. I'm being a pest these days...must be the nerves going crazy of waiting..or something.