<span style="color:">Anders and Jonas, come on! Give us some fuckin news about the ne

You could have been sodomized if he's anything like his name.

I'm interested too. I was kind of disappointed with 'The Great Cold Distance' so I'm really looking forward to hearing the new stuff. I hope it's less about a phat production and more about the songs this time around. I know it's selfish but I want it to open up more and let us in. Don't close doors. Breathe.
^ Yeah the same thought ran through my head too... simple question and we all could have known whats happening


Katatonic89, don't worry, it's very easy in retrospect to say that one should have done this and that. I certainly don't blame you, nor do I think anyone else should. I'm guessing most people would have done the same as you.
Nooo this is so devastating :D it's been so long since someone from the band has replied something here and now when Daniel does it's a freaking question. Im sure that they are already doing some new material and when they practice or whatever they just visit here and laugh at our mourning
Its a bit tricky ive seen anders a few times at the back of the venue by the bus, he usually looks a bit pissed of but always gets that look of love for his mayones (soon to be buying one myself! - hey im not getting one of those Katatonia ones, im a fan but please separate beds please!).

But ive never said hello, its a shitter really as im the biggest fan in the midlands UK i think.