speaking of americans....

NoLordy Capone said:
Yep. Heil Bushler.
wuhahaha, well, a guy from my class already said such stuff one year ago, but its cool anyway :lol: :lol:

hey, i would really like saddam being removed, but war is not a good choice. why not send professionals in there to eliminate him and maybe also key nodes of his personal power network?
well, and I have heard about kurds who wanted to kill saddam, they even almost got weapons and stuff from the CIA, but in the last moment the government said "pull back!" so this wasnt executed. Why?
You make some good points. I suppose the reason the job wasn't completed is because of all the anti-war pressure once Kuwait was liberated. Unfortunately Bush didn't finish the job. That was a big mistake on his part.
For any of you still doubting how terrible Saddam and his regime is, here is a quote from an interview with a student living in Iran:
"This is a regime that will gouge out the eyes of children to force confessions from their parents and grandparents," wrote Kenneth M. Pollack in his book "The Threatening Storm: The Case for Invading Iraq." "This is a regime that will crush all the bones in the feet of a 2-year-old girl to force her mother to divulge her husband's whereabouts. This is a regime that will hold a nursing baby at arm's length from its mother and allow the child to starve to death to force the mother to confess."
You can read the entire thing hee if you don't believe me:

Let me also add, that if any of you read even one thing about this war, please read the following:

This is an interview with a former Sergeant in Saddam's Tank Brigade. If you want to hear the way it REALLY is in Iraq, then read this guy's story. Ever wonder why the people from Iraq that you see on TV seem to love Saddam? It's fear of being tortured. Seriously read this before you run your mouths again telling me how Bush is the REAL bad guy.
Nicely done MG.The artical did have a major point on why we couldn't with drawl Saddam like the dude in Panama (Noriagga shuckco me dikki). I don't know how big the amry, haters, goverment, or whatever was there compared to Iraq. But I trust bush enough that if he isgoing to use an army he has a reason.
I'm aware of Saddam's story. Killing innocent people who don't want him there, but don't want to be overrun by mercenary foreigners is still a bad idea. Hell, their army even tries to find ways out of it.

TheSin, that was horribly dishonorable of you to think Junkenstein is an "fucking idiot" because of his opinion. If he's wrong, it's ok, but you sir are the reason the USA is so reviled right now. If he disagrees with you, there is no reason to insult him for it, not eveyone wants to run through Iraq with machine guns blazing, ok? Do I attack your intelligence and your personal affairs because you support Bush?
Thanks Nolordy.

Thesin- You seem to forget people join the army to kill. You can't say you don't want war because they might get hurt. It's their job.

I would support this war if
1)I had ABSOLUTE concrete definitive proof that saddam has these weapons that people talk about. Not seen that yet.
2)It could be guaranteed to be quick. Hunting Osama was supposed to take a week. He still hasn't been found.
3)If there was a promise to to kill/injure/disturb any unneseccary civilians.
Recently America AND britan unveilled new ulra-destructive weapons. America has the next bomb up from the "Daisycutter". To avoid collateral damage your target would have to be so remote to be worthless.
This war will do more harm than good.
I have seen no hint of these simple 3 circumstance coming about.

And being a bully involves aggression. Iraq has kept well alone since the last gulf war as far as I know.
Once again-FUCK WAR
ive mainly stayed out of this debate due to laziness. now anything i would have said has now been said so it is pointless for me to talk in circles. but i do have to say this:

Whether you are for the war or against the war, you are right and you are wrong. we can sit here and debate this for days and days on end, but we arent going to get anywhere because there very good reasons for going to war and to not go to war. Regardless of the outcome of this situation, somebody is gonna look really stupid when all is said and done. Be it the UN for not pulling its head out of its ass and realizing that sometimes war is the only way to get some people to understand that you mean business. When Bush and Blair send in the troops and kick Saddams ass and then uncover the weapons programs that he has so skillfully hidden from the weapons inspectors, its gonna take a long ass time for the UN to get its foot out of its throat. On the other hand, Bush is going to look pretty damn stupid when he sends in the troops, kicks Saddam's ass and then doesn't find a damn thing, thus aggravating the rest of the Arab world and probably the rest of the UN. This would in turn incite more terrorist attacks because some fundamentalist radicals like bin laden or whoever will be preaching about how it was only an attack against Islam just like the crusades back in the day thus igniting a jihad against all americans. not to mention repercussions by the UN itself.
NoLordy Capone said:
I'm aware of Saddam's story. Killing innocent people who don't want him there, but don't want to be overrun by mercenary foreigners is still a bad idea. Hell, their army even tries to find ways out of it.

TheSin, that was horribly dishonorable of you to think Junkenstein is an "fucking idiot" because of his opinion. If he's wrong, it's ok, but you sir are the reason the USA is so reviled right now. If he disagrees with you, there is no reason to insult him for it, not eveyone wants to run through Iraq with machine guns blazing, ok? Do I attack your intelligence and your personal affairs because you support Bush?
First off, I apologized before I said it, but that was my opinion. Yes, it was ruse, and like I said I'm sorry. But the reason I said he was a fucking idiot was due to the fact that he thought that if you never fight any one nothing will happen to you. I merely told him he was wrong. I've been called every thing else in these threads because I support the war against Saddam.

It's the fact that Saddam has not done any thing after the last Golf war to appease the UN that makes me weary.

Not every one joins the armed forces to "Kill". Some do it to learn discipline, self-esteem, pride, and some do it because their fathers did it. Hell I have even heard of people how just do it for school.

And the Biggs is right, why don't we stop arguing about it. We are not going to change each others mind. All we are going to do is argue tilll we hate each other.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Dragon you are an arse.
Thesin- I'm not french, i'm just not bloodthirsty.
If no-one attacks iraq then they will leave you all alone. Clear up the shit in your own back yard before trying to fix others. Hell, britans fucked up and where are we concentrating? Abroad.

A pre-emptive strike to prevent a pre-emptive strike is terrorism. Will the US attack it'sself after iraq "Just in case"?

Yep, we stayed out of WW2 till we were fuckin attacked. If we had gotten involeved earlier, WE, would not have been,,,.....

The back yard....When NUKES are involved, the whole fuckin planet is this so called back yard.

The USA saved the fucking world in WW2. ANd SADDAM, amongst others, NEED TO BE TAKEN down a notch or 50.

No country is honest, none is PURE, But some are better than others, when it comes to leaders like SADDAM etc.
NoLordy Capone said:
I'm aware of Saddam's story. Killing innocent people who don't want him there, but don't want to be overrun by mercenary foreigners is still a bad idea. Hell, their army even tries to find ways out of it.

TheSin, that was horribly dishonorable of you to think Junkenstein is an "fucking idiot" because of his opinion. If he's wrong, it's ok, but you sir are the reason the USA is so reviled right now. If he disagrees with you, there is no reason to insult him for it, not eveyone wants to run through Iraq with machine guns blazing, ok? Do I attack your intelligence and your personal affairs because you support Bush?

Well said.
Amen Ledmag, but we should still sit in our own corner untill some one comes over and kicks us. Then instead of fighting them we should sit there and tell our selves we'll get worse if we do something. So, there for we should just sit there some more till there are 5 to 1 million people just kicking the HELL OUT OF US AND WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING. Sorry, that's just my fucked up opinion.
TheSinMakesYouReal said:
Amen Ledmag, but we should still sit in our own corner untill some one comes over and kicks us. Then instead of fighting them we should sit there and tell our selves we'll get worse if we do something. So, there for we should just sit there some more till there are 5 to 1 million people just kicking the HELL OUT OF US AND WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING. Sorry, that's just my fucked up opinion.

Oh, i made a mistake im my posting/quoting of nolordy sin, I ment to erase the part about Saddum, and just keep the part about ppl calling names over mere opinions. Junkie and i have been having a bit of flame at each other, but i dont think he is a FUCKING IDIOT for his opinion....i think he's an idiot for other reasons....and if you continue to call ppl idiots for their opinion, than youll be an idiot as well.

on another note, look at the reply/quote i did on JUNKIE...........then you can add your fucking sarcasm to someone else. You would probably help us out by USING QUESTION MARKS every now and then as well..(not in your reply to me, but in other parts of this thread, no offence)...its near impossoble to tell if your asking a smart ass question, or making a smart ass comment.

To further clarify things,....IMO saddum and a few others need their asses kicked. And then, after the sand asses are kicked, if the USA doesnt get rid of USA NUKES, then the USA needs that big ol USA ass kicked.

Now thats my FUCKED UP OPINION. take it or leave it.
ledmag said:
Oh, i made a mistake im my posting/quoting of nolordy sin, I ment to erase the part about Saddum, and just keep the part about ppl calling names over mere opinions. Junkie and i have been having a bit of flame at each other, but i dont think he is a FUCKING IDIOT for his opinion....i think he's an idiot for other reasons....and if you continue to call ppl idiots for their opinion, than youll be an idiot as well.

on another note, look at the reply/quote i did on JUNKIE...........then you can add your fucking sarcasm to someone else. You would probably help us out by USING QUESTION MARKS every now and then as well..(not in your reply to me, but in other parts of this thread, no offence)...its near impossoble to tell if your asking a smart ass question, or making a smart ass comment.

To further clarify things,....IMO saddum and a few others need their asses kicked. And then, after the sand asses are kicked, if the USA doesnt get rid of USA NUKES, then the USA needs that big ol USA ass kicked.

Now thats my FUCKED UP OPINION. take it or leave it.
First off dude, I have alread apologized to Junkie..... seconded for some reason it did not post the
part (or I erased it???????), I was quoting you about the WW2 thing. So put down that ol' KY herb :Smokin: buddy, I wasn't talking shit to you

Is there a difference in a smart ass question or a smart ass comment? Nope, that's what makes them sarcastic.
sure there is a differece....some smart asses, when they dont know the answer, they ask in a smart ass way so it doesnt make them look stupid.

We should not have given the Jap....a chance to hit us. And we lagged again on 9/11...
kiyardo- I am a british teenager. Look at my profile you tard. Or was that your amazing mental prowess?
Metalgod- Don't attack others spelling until yours is perfect(it isnt) And your stance tells me i'm dealing with a bloodthirsty redneck.

Led- Fair enough but there is still no evidence that goddamn insane has nukes. None. Nada. Zip. ZERO.

This war is such fucking idiocy. We're using Iraq's defiance of the UN to excuse attacking them, while we ourselves defy the UN by making such an attack. It's a distraction from the shit economy and Bush's failure to capture bin Laden...to say nothing of Homeland Security's attacks on our personal freedom.

That being said, there's got to be some way to kill Saddam. I hope there is a hell just so Hussein can go there and spend all eternity getting flayed, rolled in salt and vinegar, dipped in hot wax, having his teeth torn out with rusty pliers, and sodomized by by a sharpened, splintery flaming 2x4.
JUNKIE>>>HE has done enogh in the past, and he cant conform to what the world needs....Im sure they could take him out covertly, but will they? I doubt it...

War sucks BTW......my dad is fucked for life...since 1972. DUe to WAR.