Specific songs?


New Metal Member
Jul 9, 2013
Hey, Anthrax has coming to Israel in 13 Aug, and i want to be ready
for them :)
I know two albums of them, but i don't know what they are going
to sing specificlly, can anybody guess what song they will play?
Thanks? ^^
they're gonna play Caught In A Mosh, Antisocial, Got The Time, Indians and I Am The Law. Plus few songs from the new album.
it will be something like that:
Among The Living
Caught In A Mosh
Got The Time
Fight 'Em 'Til You Can't
In The End
I Am The Law
Metal Thrashin' Mad

Anthrax backstage:
Jon D.: the same setlist as last time?
Scott I.: the same setlist as Every time!
Jon D.: ok, let's go on stage!
Scott I.: yeah, bring it on Jon! let's give the fans what they want!
Your best bet is to grab a few bootlegs from the current tour and the set should be pretty much the same, here is my website and just google the dates and venues for the 2013 shows and you should find a couple that you can download a have a listen somewhere in the internet
enjoy the show My Website: http://psychward44.webs.com/
Fantastic news about them getting back and working on a new LP. Finally things are moving along nicely with Anthrax. They sound better than ever live. judging by the quality material of WM and the stellar production work on it and on Anthems, I'm definitely looking forward to a 2014 release by Anthrax.
yep id say it will be even better than worship music, is donis going to record with then on the new album?