If you were to purchase a dozen albums, how many of those will you actually give a proper listen to before archiving it in your collection of never to be heard or seen from again dustpile?!?! I'm starting to feel overwhelmed by this hobby that I cherish so much. Calm me a pussy, fuck call me a pigmy, but to my left sits a stack of cds that I have no time frame in when exactly I will actually get around to them. This doesn't sound like a problem, until you throw inthe fact that I am jonesing to make another 20-30 cd haul in the near future. I'm trying my damnest to hold off on this investment. But thanks to certain outside elements like the weekly reco's I feel compelled to purchase more. It's to the point where I feel pressured to put an album away just so I will be able to move on to the next one. On the flip side of the coin if I don't hammer through a stack of albums quickly enough, I feel as if I'm missing out on an entire cosmos of wonderous music. I wish I had two sets of ears sometimes. Just a mild rant. Take it for what it's worth.
A proper listen I'd venture to say would be 20 spins. (ON AVG) This will give you a full grasp of the music. Furthermore, I learn more about records spun in the jalopy than I do at home. It's the 1 on 1 intimacy, lack of distractions, and the tendency to not swap the cd out due to laziness, that assists with forming this connection. As opposed to the album which is blasting from my stereo right this very second which I find to be absolutely kicking my dick in to my internal vagine, yet I don't even know what band I'm listening to.
A proper listen I'd venture to say would be 20 spins. (ON AVG) This will give you a full grasp of the music. Furthermore, I learn more about records spun in the jalopy than I do at home. It's the 1 on 1 intimacy, lack of distractions, and the tendency to not swap the cd out due to laziness, that assists with forming this connection. As opposed to the album which is blasting from my stereo right this very second which I find to be absolutely kicking my dick in to my internal vagine, yet I don't even know what band I'm listening to.