Spiderman Or Episode Two ????


punk rock love god
Feb 6, 2002
walsall, england
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which will be the better movie ?????? will spider man rule ?? can there ever be a good star wars movie again ???? what has this got to do with anthrax ????? why do i keep asking questions ???:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Episode 2, for sure.

Spiderman could surprise, but I find Kirsten Dunst really annoying (probably more annoying than Jar Jar could ever be), and I found the special effects from the previews and trailers to be fairly unrealistic (sure Spiderman is supposed to be a cartoon, but make up mind, is the movie a cartoon or not?).

Episode 1 was a misfire overall, but it certainly had it's moments. Losing Jake Lloyd will be a plus, as it won't be as much of a kids movie anymore, and the previews look pretty awesome...I think we're going to see some good light sabre battles. Plus, five trailers and counting and no sign of Jar Jar... :)
I have actually had a chance to checkout some extra trailors on Episode 2 that most people haven't seen, and it looks like their is almost as much action as a Rambo movie, so I think Episode 2 is gonna be hugh! Spiderman looks pretty good, but I would hate to make a any movie and have it released at the same time as a Star Wars movie, but still, these are two totally different worlds.
Actually, I think there will be a very similar audience for both...scifi and comics have united geeks around the world for a long time.

Episode 2 I will see the day it comes out, and maybe 2 or 3 times in the first week.

Spiderman, I'll download off the net to see if it's worth paying to see on the big screen. (Uh oh, Galvatron is going to flame me...that is, if he reads this non-Metallica related post... :lol: )
Jar Jar is in 2 of the 4 trailers, but you only see him in the background. Supposedly, he's only in the movie for about 5 minutes. Anyhoo, I think Spider Man is going to be mediocre at best; the trailers don't make it look very good. Episode 2 looks incredible. As far as the release timing, let's not forget that the Matrix came out in April before Episode 1 and still made like $300 million in the US, so releasing just before a Star Wars isn't always a bad thing (people who can't get episode 2 tickets will want to see something :) ).
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
Jar Jar is in 2 of the 4 trailers, but you only see him in the background. Supposedly, he's only in the movie for about 5 minutes. Anyhoo, I think Spider Man is going to be mediocre at best; the trailers don't make it look very good. Episode 2 looks incredible. As far as the release timing, let's not forget that the Matrix came out in April before Episode 1 and still made like $300 million in the US, so releasing just before a Star Wars isn't always a bad thing (people who can't get episode 2 tickets will want to see something :) ).

That's true mang, Matrix was the surprise hit that blew everybody away! People will want to see something!
At best, Spidey will be as good as X-Men, which most people were pleasantly surprised with. At worst, it'll be like Judge Dredd or Batman Forever. I'm hoping for somewhere in between, preferrably up close to X-Men status. Hopefully I'm wrong and it blows away everything, but based upon what I have seen, I just don't see it happening. That doesn't mean it can't be great, but I highly doubt it will be a classic. Ep. II, I think is gonna blow us all away. I really think it is gonna be epic. In a few short weeks, we will know won't we!
Supposedly when George Clooney signed on for Batman & Robin, they signed him for multiple movies, meaning that if they were to make another one in the franchise, he'd be the man. Given how much it stunk, I doubt he'd want to return to the role.

Not that it was any actors fault. The writing was so horrible that no actor could have saved that movie.
I think they're both gonna be good. I agree with N.F.F.:
I find Kirsten Dunst really annoying

I think she's hot--just from the neck down. I have the trailer on a PlayStation2 Mag. Disc, and the part where she is soaking wet is cool (no bra), but then she claps and jumps up and down and it is gay.

I think Haley Joel Osment would have been perfect for young Anikin in Episode 1. Also, why did they have to call him Ani (pronounced: "Annie")?
THAT was fucking GAY!

Can't wait to see them both. And if Jar Jar got killed, yes, I'd probably see Episode 2 over and over and over.