Spiral Architect - A Sceptics Universe

Empty Vision

The Accolade
Feb 15, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
I bought this album just for the fact that I had some spare cash to spend and I needed some new music to get into. The sticker on the cover of this album made this sound pretty good, I dont usually give into that shit but I did today. First thing I thought when I popped this album in my car cd player was 'fuck these guys are the bastard child of Watchtower and Cynic'. As much as i appreciate this technical metal for how insanely complex it is, I have never really got into it that deeply because I don't understand a whole lot of it. I do know some music theory but not nearly enough to grasp this stuff, it goes a bit over my head. But i do like the vocalist and well... all the members, i think they are all extremely talented and I LOVE the guitar tone.

Any thoughts on this album?
I can enjoy and feel that i comprehend this music, and i don't know shit about musical theory or anything. But i guess it would add another dimension to the music if i knew about all these little things...
This happens to be one of my all time favourite albums EVER!!! From when I first heard some sound samples, I just knew that this band was made for me... :lol: Ultra technical music, but with great, soaring clean vocals, it was just the thing I'd been looking for. I really cannot wait til a new album is released by these guys, even more so than Symphony X (don't kill me), and it's a huge shame they don't tour any more, I would love to see them do their stuff live... :headbang: Each of the respective members is also one of my favourite players of their instrument, they do it so incredibly well, but despite what people say, I think they make good sounding, memorable tunes, you just gotta get your head around them initially, then they get better the more u listen. Every time I listen I pick up something new and crazy in one of their songs that I've never picked up before... Anyway, I'll just shut up now... :worship: SPIRAL ARCHITECT!!!
No, their tunes aren't memorable. The album's definitely a steamer... probably the worst songwriting ever. It's fun for about 30 seconds, then it gets old. Cynic on the other hand DOES write memorable songs, so personally i'll stick with them.
This disc is great and always fun to play for people who like busy music....

I'm looking forward to another disc by them and if you want a similar sounding band check out Twisted Into Form....
I have this album on my ipod for nothing more than comedic value. I can't take any of it seriously, no matter how many times I listen. It's just too unfocused and chaotic for me. The chemical components of the songwriting element must have been visiting another planet when the band wrote this album.

I must say that the bass in particular is unbelieveably loud and awesome, which I love. But it's just too funny to take seriously. That said, I'm going to listen to Insect.
I have this album on my ipod for nothing more than comedic value. I can't take any of it seriously, no matter how many times I listen. It's just too unfocused and chaotic for me. The chemical components of the songwriting element must have been visiting another planet when the band wrote this album.

I must say that the bass in particular is unbelieveably loud and awesome, which I love. But it's just too funny to take seriously. That said, I'm going to listen to Insect.
I didn't think I'd like this disk, but I picked it up before PP2 so I could get familiar with it. Symphony X and DT are tied for my favorite band to give an idea of my taste. I was very pleasantly surprised that I really dug this disk right out of the gate. Its not something I listen to every day, but I do honestly enjoy it. And I do agree that while this is some of the craziest, most chaotic stuff out there, it is still well done and with enough listens, the "songs" start to pop out and I do find them memorable. In fact, Insect is one of my favorites and find very memorable.

They are defintiely not for everyone though. Then again, neither is SyX or DT!
The music is technical in about... one way. Overall, it's actually quite shallow, IMO. They only know how to do 1 type of complex, and I agree with the people that say the song structures and song writing is just poorly done. I actually cannot stand the vocalist either. His melodies are directionless and boring. Wanting another album by SA more than SymX seems crazy to me, but that's how you feel and that's cool.
I actually agree with Taliwakker to a point. The bass is incredible, taking the role of a lead guitar throughout the entire album. Seriously, I can't even think of a point on the album where the guitar overpowers the bass. It's so unusual, yet very interesting.

However, the songwriting is nowhere to be found, and the vocals are pointless most of the time. If you're going to have a vocal melody, it's a good idea to have the music behind it flow well and not be in 23/16.
I think they make the vocals flow quite well considering how chaotic the music is... And as I've said before, you really need to listen to it heaps for it to become understood and memorable, I don't think people give it long enough. And yes, the bass playing is nothing short of incredible!