spirituality/occult and black metal and metal in general

the phoenix

Mar 25, 2004
Namaste y'all.. I'm fairly disgruntled, and a little curious, about this...

Why is there such a big divide between spirituality/occult and metal in general, particularly black metal which seems to take a focus on occultist themes?..

Personally I fall into the black metal as well as the spiritual/occult category.. and I am seeking information about the correlation between these two categories, so that I can make progress distributing and selling my album.. I won't post a link, lest this thread be construed as self-promotion, but I will post a link if you ask me to..

Basically it seems to me that the lack of genuine spiritual and occult influence on black metal exemplifies the core failings of black metal, that is, the mainstream black metal "crap" we all love to hate. Moreover, even some of the more underground bands fall into this mainstream category, because black metal is admittedly underground by nature so there's not real difference there; in other words, listening to strictly *underground* black metal doesn't mean your selection is any better than someone who listens to "mainstream" black metal... I mean what happens to an underground BM song or band that is so good that the entire BM community embraces it?

The same problem exists in the occult, that is, the secrecy of knowledge. People who do this are of a dying breed, and are far less powerful than they believe themselves to be, because true power cannot be hoarded. Some think in an elitist way, that only a select few are capable of appreciating and relating to the finer aspects of BM and/or of black metal.. but this is as absurd as saying that true power or the best black metal is not universal in nature but is rather a perversion of nature that only resonates with a select few. The truth is that most people are utterly perverted away from the natural universal way of things, and this is the only reason why more do not get involved with occultism and/or black metal.

At the heart of this ignorance is the mistaken notion that self-realization involves selflessness and surrender of pesonal individuality, as opposed to what it truly involves which is synthesis of STS (service-to-self) and STO (service-to-other) coupled with hightened variety of individuality (as opposed to homogeny of individuality). The enemy is RHP religion such as Christianity, which is at least something that most BMers and occultists share in common understanding... as the RHP promotes the former mistaken notion of self-realization as afformentionned.

Basically I have recorded an album that has most in common with the black metal feel, although my album consists strictly of vocals. It is spiritual/occult music that teaches the astral body efficiently and opens the mind to new and righteous possibilities.. but in a day and age where society is so confounded in ignorance, anything Truthful will *necessarily* seem extremely odd and foreign.. as is the case with my music. This is mittigated somewhat by the fact that BM is underground in the first place, but I still wonder if the BM community is ready to accept my music. This community is quite devoid of spirituality and occultism, although it seems to accept well a band like Burzum than shuns conventional instruments, giving me hopefulness that a lyrical album can fit into the BM scene. There are not words either, which is fitting as you can never understand what BM signers screatch.

I actually need the money to live on my own, free myself of the present restraints of my life circumstances, and continue fighting the conspiracy... if y'all knew just what was at stake and what incredible things were actually part and parcel of your 'everyday reality' (to which you are largely ignorant), then you would support a spiritual cause like mine. Psychic warfare, timeline manipulation, telepathic unconscious influencing, it all happens every day, and when you become conscious of it, then you can bring the fight to *them*. The problem is that all media outlets are controlled, and frame everything in such a way as to render any Truth that actually does sneek out as seemingly absurd. Like we expect to naturally resonate with the truth, when in fact the truth will seem most foreign... Truth rises to the top of a *FREE* marketplace of ideas.

My music can put a monkey wrench in their plans.. as numerous occultists have agreed with me about. The problem is getting it out there. So, what is the real scoop about BM and metal in general in relation to spirituality and occultism?!

Does black metal even still possess a following that would be willing to form the groundwork of a grassroots revolutionary movement.. in line with the righteous revolutionary warrior spiritual feel of BM in the first place? Or do we all just like BM in a fantasy idealist kind of way, detatched from the reality of one's personal convictions?
Write music true to you because it shall yeild the best results from yourself as a writer. Forcing something that isn't yourself seems to always end with something generic and bland. Though you sometimes can't understand the black metal screeches doesn't mean that the lyrics are ignored. The lyrics normally summarize the song itself. Satanic lyrics normally are backed by a unnaturally fast, raw, and evil sound, while lyric pertaining to the environmant normally put more emphasis on a cold and atmospheric sound. The best thing about being an artist is that you're are normally free to express the music as you seem fit, not as others see it. Why start a band if you don't want to put your input into the music world you wish dwell in? Try putting your own touch on what you have come to love. Metalheads shouldn't be ignorant as long as the music you make is good, no matter what you decide to write about.

Most people mock mainstream black metal simply because it just isn't any good, but if it were good i'm sure I wouldn't care that it's popular. I still listen to Metallica, and Black Sabbath even with their over amounting success so why should that change for any other band.
The occult idea is. or sould i say thelema(sorry about spelling),there only is law is something like:Do what thou wants

This idea is stupid becuase the human mind needs laws or we indulage in all of our lusts(therefor anarchy is stupid also) and look how crolwey turned out. he died pennyless and additced to sex and drugs.

But as a metal topic...it sounds cool in lyrics
The occult idea is. or sould i say thelema(sorry about spelling),there only is law is something like:Do what thou wants

This idea is stupid becuase the human mind needs laws or we indulage in all of our lusts(therefor anarchy is stupid also) and look how crolwey turned out. he died pennyless and additced to sex and drugs.

But as a metal topic...it sounds cool in lyrics

You're an idiot, basically. Anyway this is a decent discussion but it has been brought up over and over again and is a rather cliche subject.
i dont get what this guy is trying to say? the religious black metal movement is very occult if thats what this guy is asking for.
Revolutionary movement? what, like fans of black metal going against this enemy "RHP" in a big revolt on major religions and these controlled media outlets?

I think the answer is YES to where you wrote "do we all just like BM in a fantasy idealist kind of way"

I would think most fans of black metal don't have some spiritual/occualt belief or following... but i know a lot are anti-religious

Put up a link of your work if you may.
I think it is pretty idealistic of you to expect to start an underground revolution of any sort. At least this way.

Most people who listen to BM are somewhat beyond the typical Judeo-Christian human in terms of mind, and that's pretty much all that BM was out to accomplish, no? At least realistically, that is a pretty big effect.

It's great that you found your own niche of spirituality, and it's great that you feel it's so 'True'[not like tr00], but I don't really see exactly what you'd want to accomplish beyond that which has already been done by BM. The rest is up to individuals, not a music genre.