gerardomosh said:
KARINA 666: "RICO SUAVE"? hahaha, that is what you know?...

si no sabes hablar español mejor callate!!! ingnorate!!!

you understand something? I do not create it:Smug:

Just for the record...

No te pongas chulito, que tu inglés tampoco es una maravilla! Y piensatelo mejor antes de meterte en ese foro llamando a la gente ignorante.
Double :Smug:

Obviamente no conoces la canción "Rico Suave" de Gerardo...

It's an absolute, bonafide, sixpack struttin', bandana-sportin', ripjean wearin' classic!! He gets ALLL the ladies a quakin' and a shiverin'!!! Sext latino player that he is!

gerardomosh said:
what??? rob caggiano better than dan???!!! oh my god!!!! hahahahahahahahahaha

rob caggiano suck!!!:Puke:
No need to be a DICK, dude you may not like Rob Caggianio but he hardly "sucks". Give the man some respect for God's sake!:mad:
With all intended respect, there is no fucking contest.

Dimebag. As a guitarist, a person, and an overall contributor to music.
Davros666 said:
It's maths.


To compare the two dares only one freak on this board... You're unfuckingbelievable Gerardo! Dimebag remains one of the best forever.