[SPOILER] [WARNING] [DO NOT ENTER] watershed code

It was substituted and reversed.

See, I saw the scan of the one from the special edition, and compared to the code in the regular edition the symbols are the same but the other way up. So I guess it's not so much reversed as the wrong way up. It does suggest that the two messages are meant to be put together.

I was able to solve the SE one due to a guy who typed out all the symbols as ABCD etc; if someone does that for the regular one too, I can solve that part right now.

I did the first part and then gave up, but if you can do this part for me I could probably do the rest:

Yep. It's definitely half the lyrics - in the SE code, it has bits and pieces of each song's lyrics. But nothing complete, yet.

I was able to solve the SE one due to a guy who typed out all the symbols as ABCD etc; if someone does that for the regular one too, I can solve that part right now.

Glad it helped! I haven't had the time to do it myself yet but I hope to find some time this weekend.
so 4 people who cracked it entered this topic to gloat about how awesome they are but they aren't even going to post the solution? bunch of gits
EDIT: hey asshole:


It's partial lyrics to all of the songs. Maybe code in the regular edition completes the lyrics? Anyway...

COIL (partial)

Behind I'll find that the years passed us by

When you get out of here
When you leave me behind
You'll find that the years passed us by

And I can see you
Riding through the fields of sorrow
And I can see you
Riding through the fields of sorrow


And again he rides in, it's September and he covets the gullible
Skeletal wish - hunter
A thousand lies, cast from the throne of secrecy

The insect trust - believer
Your body a vehicle to

Invisible king - dying
Procession of woe, struck down by sorrow
A burden so great weighs heavy on old and withered beliefs
The swift solution crumbles beneath the mock notes of a masterpiece
Death in his eyes - waiting
Spiralling judgement, provoked in the rains

This futile test drowned in the levee of deception

In the year of his sovereign
Rid us of your judgement
Heir apparent


The skin is a mirror
The eyes hollow with ignorance
Health runs from your lips
Tucked in and safe in a world of sleep

You are stuck in a route of confusion
Changing and waiting and seeking the truth of it all

Fleeing your sorrows
Pushing your spirit away

And cries out
For the restless will also die
A selection culled from the damned, drawing a life-line of one
A friend died in your room and sought the birth of a follower

Was used by a father's son

BURDEN (partial)

I once upon a time
Carried a burden inside
I sung a last goodbye
A broken rhyme I had underlined
There's an ocean of sorrow in you

A sorrow in me

I saw a movement in their eyes
That said I no longer knew the way
I had given up the ghost
A passive mind submit to fear
And the wait for redemption at hand

Waiting to fail

Failing again


I said that I loved (eternal schemes)
I cling to my past (like childish dreams)
I promised to stay (and held my breath)
I went far away

Rest your head now don't you cry
Don't ever ask the reason why

Kept inside our idle race

HESSIAN PEEL (partial)

Will the children cry
When their mother dies
And in the autumn of their lives
Will they feel the same

Her longing for me coming down like hail
Why did you leave me

Come here inside
And tell me how
How in my final days
I'd find the rhyme

You felt abandoned in a flock of friends
Singing praise for the dead
Awaited the face of the moon to ascend
And followed the sound in your head

HEX OMEGA (partial)

Still you always start running
Towards the light from the moon
We saw a mother cry
And left a space here

The only lyrics I can't place are these, which I guess could be from The Lotus Eater:

Your mother told me to stay and your father told me to stay
They said I'm the son now and they told you that you never existed
And as I said, note that those are NOT complete lyrics. They are just the lines and verses included in the code.
Heresiarch's solution proves what I was saying about the code in the Special Edition being upside down, so presumably the one in the normal edition is the right way up... I'll see if I can get cracking on that...

Also, it's not the same symbol for E and U, but they look slightly similar.
It went quite fast to figure out the letters for the code...but now comes the eternal doing of translating each and every letter and putting them into words, gah! :erk:
Heresiarch: Why does the deciphered code contain considerably less characters than the original ciphertext?
^Because his 'solution' is a complete fabrication that serves no purpose other than to throw us off track, obviously.

It's understandable; who wants to have their eyes eaten out?
Here's the solution to the code in the regular edition booklet. It confirms that Heresiarch's solution is correct, since I used that to figure out the code and translate this:

some of the things in this set of undeciphered code don't seem very "opeth-ish" at all for lyrics. "SHE GAVE ME THE CUP OF COFFEE AND SAID I LIKE YOU I HAVE ALWAYS LIKED YOU VERY VERY MUCH"? if these are true lyrics, wtf why didnt I hear something like this before?