Spreading The Gospel

Blackwater Demon

Using Cold Words
Mar 30, 2008
Under The Weaping Moon
The guy I made that cd for in my acting class was still not at school today so I gave it to another guy who said he would give anything a listen. There is also another guy who happens to be the student vice president who says he loves metal and appreciates good music so he would love to hear them. Im going to make him an Opeth cd and give it to him next week. Im spreading the Opeth gospel
darkferret Opeth trooper, i also havegot two people involved with opeth my bro, and my mate who lives in melbourne. all i had to do is play the cds a few times, and mike and the band did the rest :headbang:
The guy I made that cd for in my acting class was still not at school today so I gave it to another guy who said he would give anything a listen. There is also another guy who happens to be the student vice president who says he loves metal and appreciates good music so he would love to hear them. Im going to make him an Opeth cd and give it to him next week. Im spreading the Opeth gospel

Illegal file sharing that is! ban!
Haha, you can't even LEND the fucking albums if you read what's written on it. Making CD's containing music and distributing them to people?

HOLY SHIT, MAN, you're in trouble.
Calling Lars Ulrich!

He's going to get medieval on your arse, mate!

Oh wait a minute, you aren't ripping a Selloutallica CD. You're safe.
maybe because you dont want to push your beliefs onto others? i dont know

yeah its illegal, since you are making a copy of the album and giving it away to someone else. its taking 2 albums and paying for one i believe. really retarded stuff

i also heard a while ago some group/firm trying to ban ipods, zens and mp3/mp4 players because they contain unauthorized copying of songs (when u copy from ripped cd onto the harddrive of ur device). really, thats even worse