St. Anger is brilliant

Anyway, my freind might return his copy of St. Anger and trade it in for something else..

Tell him to buy the new Enslaved, it wipes the floor with St. Anus.

Such ignorance...

Don't be such a fucking twat :rolleyes. A different opinion from yours is 'ignorance' now? Haha :lol:

St. Anger then. Right. Well, i've heard all of the album a few times, it's some pretty unremarkable stuff. As Metalmancpa said, its hard to see anyone thinking anything of it if they had never heard of Metallica before it. It has average written all over it.
James' vocals are his worst ever, Lars sounds like he's hitting pots and pans and the guitars have very little bite in them. I think i'd rather listen to the loads than this.

Metallica seem to think that increasing a song's lenth to 8 minutes by repeating the same three riffs a million times = win. But it doesn't. It just shows poor songwriting ability (which Metallica dont have, they once had the ability to write some stellar metal tunes). The is pretty much no flow to the songs, with riffs are thrown together whether they fit there or not. Take the title track for instance. After the fast heavy bit the double bass drums near the start it suddenly stops and goes into that godawful "St Aaaaaaaanger" bit. Argh. Does. Not. Fit.

Oh, and the lack of any decent lead guitar or solos is galling. Did they record this without Kirk 'Wah-wah' Hammett or something?

There's what I think. It's not the worst album ever, but it sure as hell isn't much good either, and anyone who tries to say that this is in any way a 'return to form' as it was hyped to be needs their ears checked.
I cant believe people in this day and age still listen seriously to metallica. btw, the song st.anger ripped off mustaine in hangar 18.. Its been like 20 years and still they're ripping the poor guy off!
As the the poster that started this thread I admit that brilliant is maybe a bit overblown. Look I just like it. The back to basics thing can be viewed cynically as a clever markting ploy or a genuine desire to just play and record some straight up heavy rock.
I admit and will restate again the no lead break thing is a bit bizzare but fits in with the concept they were into at the time.
As for the Opeth comparisons they seem out of place. Opeth are into a totally different trip are younger, write complex songs that by the way some people actually despise with the hatred that has been displayed towards Metallica. Not that I share this view.
We change, that is all. Metallica changed it is not the end of the planet as we know it.
St. Anger is not what I think anyone wanted or expected.
But hey I think Its pretty good.
At last count there was one post that agreed with me and 30 that said the usual cliche and a few with an its Ok. I guess Opeth fans are a bit disapponting when it comes to dignified thoughtful responses.
That is perhaps the biggest disappointment of all.
Oh lose the drama already... If someone happens to think it's bland, sub-standard to their musical tastes, and generally uninspiring (which I do) how dignified are they supposed to be in voicing their opinion? The overall production sounds like a shoddy demo - with the guitars sounding too muddy and the drums coming out downright atrocious, the vocal seem weak and even strained at times, the lyrics are aweful and seem to appeal to the simple of the simpleminded out there, and the songs generally don't flow very well and seem overally repetitive without many good hooks. Take all that into account plus a lack of leadwork altogether and you have a mediocre album. Not the worst of the worst, but not worth spending fifteen hard-earned dollars on.