St. Anger


Nov 13, 2002
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You know, I could think of a whole lot of better ways to spend 7 minutes and 14 seconds of my life than listening to this steaming pile. Kill Em All had better production. That snare drum is unforgivable.

Forget the Sanitarium. In Flames, the Palace, June 17, here I come.
Melisan said:
You know, I could think of a whole lot of better ways to spend 7 minutes and 14 seconds of my life than listening to this steaming pile. Kill Em All had better production. That snare drum is unforgivable.

Forget the Sanitarium. In Flames, the Palace, June 17, here I come.

Yeah, I heard part of that track. The band is straining too much to be heavy.

It's over!
Oh come on, Ive heard a few preview clips of it, and it's not *that* bad. Why dont you cut Metallica a little slack here, before you totally trash it! An aggro-fast thrash cd is what alot of people have been begging for out of Metallica for years! How many times have you had a cd you were ready to incinerate, and after a few more listens it aint so bad. Then a week later its blaring in your car as you go to work!

Im not freaking out on anyone here, dont get me wrong they have made me think "what the fuck are they thinking?" in the past myself, but it seems a bit early to be declaring it DOA. 'specially when alot of the comments Ive heard of it, by fellow metalheads themselves, has been positive thus far. I have just yet to hear it in its entirety, maybe im fuckin wrong and confused i dunno
Samhain, have you heard it? The production is absolute crap. I could produce a better sound and I've never stepped into a studio. I'm just stunned that someone with Bob Rock's experience would produce such a piece of crap. Demos sound better than this.

And the song itself is crap, especially that "You flush it out" crap backing vocal.
xSamhainx said:
Oh come on, Ive heard a few preview clips of it, and it's not *that* bad. Why dont you cut Metallica a little slack here, before you totally trash it! An aggro-fast thrash cd is what alot of people have been begging for out of Metallica for years!

I'd be more than willing to sacrifice the speedy tempos for some quality writing from Metallica which, if this song is any indication, continues to be lacking. If I just want aggro-fast music, there's plenty of bands out there that can deliver without a problem and several of them can also write great tunes at the same time. Needless to say, I'll be seeing those bands on tour and not Metallica.

Personally, I think the band needs to ditch Bob Rock for the next album and get someone like Rick Rubin, or Bob Ezrin to produce. So far, it seems like Bob Rock has been doing nothing more than suck the life out of the band. I also have to wonder, after seeing the last 15 minutes of "MTV's Icon: Metallica" and the footage of Metallica in the studio, if Bob Rock is under the influence of some pharmeceutical that is impairing his judgement. He sure didn't look as healthy as he did when he was making "the black album," or it could be that the band is draining the life out of him. :ill: Just a thought.
I seem to remember a point in time when everyone was accusing Shitallica (I like that!!) of selling out. They have. From what I hear, there are a bunch of different links on the cd if you put it in your CD-drive. If you click on the links, it takes you to a bunch of different websites where you can see videos of the songs.

The St. Anger song itself sounds like it was done with garage sale instruments and recorded in a bathroom at the local 7-11. Being a Shitallica fan for years, I am very dissappointed!!
The most damning review that I've seen of St. Anger is that "It's okay, but it's not in their Top 5." (This review was from the member of another message board I belong to.)

That's pretty sad when you consider that Metallica only has 8 albums with all original material. I might buy the album today so I can listen to it during work. Since Tower Records is at the end of my patrolling area, I'll have no problem returning the disc on my lunch break if I think it sucks. Worse comes to worse, I can just exchange the disc for some Opeth! :Spin:
I HATE this album!! It's soooo bad. I agree with every point of every negative review I've seen for this album (shitty snare drum, crappy sounding guitars, long boring songs, no guitar solos). I'm no Metallica basher either... I play in a Metallica tribute band for Christ sakes! I'm getting nostalgic for the Load days...
I always liked reload a lot and a bit of load, specially the epic songs like fixxer, bleeding me etc...
I like a couple of tracks on St-Anger. It's listenable, from beginning to end, while the loads had a couple of very poor track (ronnie... for example)

The DVD is a must though, and I prefer the sound of the dvd. I like the packaging a lot as well, when I first the artwork I was thinking what the fuck, but in your hands it's different.

Not their best by far but still pretty good imo and I like it better than the black album.

Fortunately Dance of Death will blow St-Anger :headbang: Add to this the new Iced Earth album (question mark because of the new vocalist) and the new BLAZE studio album :headbang:
Some heavy stuff released in 2003 ho yeah!
Man, am I humbled here... Saint Anger blows! I tried to be objective, and i was just that, and there is no denying it...
Im sorry i doubted you Melisan, but I (like many others here) literally grew up listening to Metallica. I knew they mellowed, and I knew they changed alot, and winced at a few laughable things ("Turn The Page"), but Ive never heard them struggle. This whole cd sounds like they are struggling to be heavy, and complaining about it. I dont sense anger, i sense complaining in the cd itself, like they are just bitching about everything. Then the "poor me" lyrics of lonely whateverthe fuck, this is not the band I grew up listening to!

Please, spare yourself if you have not seen the video... look away, trust me, look away..

But on a pleasant note, i discovered Arch Enemy, and am listening to their newest with Angela Gossow and I like it!