I am not going to slam anyone who likes St. Anger, but I had to turn it off halfway through the CD.
As far as metal goes, I still prefer the 80's sound. I do not like nu-metal at all, but to each his/her own.
The Metallica of today and the superior Metallica of the 80's are two different bands. The last Metallica album that I really liked was "And Justice For All". When the "Black Album" was released, I felt a great disturbance in the Force
, and I knew it was the beginning of the end. Clearly Metallica has sold out and, since the "Black Album", has been catering to what is "trendy" and "in" for music sales.
Lastly, I really don't appreciate Metallica saying "Our old fans can suck our d**ks". That is a very rude, ungrateful attitude to have towards the people who made them popular. Metallica has simply lost touch with what made them great. This is evident in their pompous attitude and the trendy music that they have been playing since the 90's. Their newly acquired title "MTV Icon" says it all.
I really admire bands who stay true to their music roots and play the style they want to for the love of music in spite of what the current music trend is (even if they have to tour outside the US). That is one of the many things that impresses me about Iron Maiden; they are not sell-outs and they are really appreciate their fans. Did I mention that they are also incredibly talented & gifted musicians?
[Rant On] We already know that most bands nowadays do not have vocalists who can sing, therefore they rap; also, guitar solos are becoming a thing of the past because it involves more than just knowing how to play three bar chords really fast. [Rant Off]