Stand-Up Guy

I just love the sense of hopelessness and loss the songs give off. Totally reminds of Souls at Zero and Kiss It Goodbye.

And at first, I was wondering what the hell kind of name "Stand-Up Guy" was. But after you hear the Immobilaire demo, it all becomes clear.
Hey Paul! Welcome to the RC forum and UM. :)

Trying to get the SUG name out there, as I'm surely loving the album. But it's hard to sell a -core band to some of this lot in RC, but I can't blame 'em, as everyone has their faults. hehe.
Hi Jeff

cheers for the welcome!

Well, I'm glad even one person likes the album away over there! Maybe we'll get over to playing sometime, that would rock.

I just love the sense of hopelessness and loss the songs give off.
I was just thinking the same as I was listening to this. IT made me wonder why you don't like a band like Hammers of Misfortune and you like this. Seems you are strictly into downer music. Oh well, to each his own.

Now, regarding this band. Solid band, but exactly what is so different about them that other nu-metal bands are not doing on MTV2? This sounds pretty generic to me. Not sure what exactly you are praising here?
lurch70 said:
I was just thinking the same as I was listening to this. IT made me wonder why you don't like a band like Hammers of Misfortune and you like this. Seems you are strictly into downer music. Oh well, to each his own.
I'll freely admit I choose "downer" music over happy-happy-joy-joy music. :yuk:

Now, regarding this band. Solid band, but exactly what is so different about them that other nu-metal bands are not doing on MTV2? This sounds pretty generic to me. Not sure what exactly you are praising here?
Even comparing them to nu-metal immediately negates any point you had. This is as far away from nu-metal as HoM, just on another side of the spectrum. This is in league with Neurosis, Isis, Today is the Day, Kiss It Goodbye, and other quality -core bands. This is not, "I-hate-my-life OMG people=shit".

To me, HoM sounded like generic gothic power metal, but like you said, to each his own.
Even comparing them to nu-metal immediately negates any point you had. This is as far away from nu-metal as HoM, just on another side of the spectrum. This is in league with Neurosis, Isis, Today is the Day, Kiss It Goodbye, and other quality -core bands. This is not, "I-hate-my-life OMG people=shit".
Look I am not trying to dis this band, they are solid ... but you cannot tell me this is not stuff you hear on MTV all day.
No, it's cool. But to be honest, I don't watch MTV at all, but if they play Neurosis, Isis, Today is the Day, Drowningman and Kiss It Goodbye, which is who SUG can most closely be compared, then I'm gonna be an MTV junkie from now on.
No, it's cool. But to be honest, I don't watch MTV at all, but if they play Neurosis, Isis, Today is the Day, Drowningman and Kiss It Goodbye, which is who SUG can most closely be compared, then I'm gonna be an MTV junkie from now on.
I figured you don't watch MTV ... I catch MTV2 sometimes, or it plays in the background when I am working and I hear this stuff all day. This is not much different from the Disturbed's, Evanescence's and all other stuff on there ... especially this track:
I hear what your saying, but SUG are a straight up -core band, whereas there is nothing -core about nu-metal. Disturbed rap dont they? no rap with SUG.

Heh, that's the only song on the album where clean vocals are the main vocal type used.
J. said:
To me, HoM sounded like generic gothic power metal, but like you said, to each his own.
Generic? HoM are generic? Holy shit. And do you even know what 'gothic' or 'power metal' is? I mean, you're not even close in that comparison. Seriously, it's almost as retarded as calling Daylight Dies a melo-death band.
Set sail, O Thread, you are no longer your former self... :loco: I refrained from commenting on the Hammers bit, but this is the second time you've made the comparison to goth and power metal, and JayKeeley already took that ball and ran with it, so here's my take: bollocks. I can almost ALMOST see the vocals being compared to power metal, but only because power metal vocals have a very deliberate delivery (you know, powerful :tickled: ), but the gothic thing I don't see at all. Calling them generic is a matter of opinion, but egads man, if Hammers were generic the current music scene would be a most wondrous place.

Back on topic, comparisons to Today is the Day and Neurosis shall make me check SUG out a little more and I probably will. I already forgot the samples I heard the other night so I'll try again later.