Stand-Up Guy

Yeah, I agree. Lets keep the HoM discussions in one of the ten threads about them. I listened to the 5 or 6 samples lurch showed me. They did nothing except make me laugh. I did like The Witches Dance until they opened their mouths, though. The non-gay vocals were pretty good, but based on the mp3's, weren't used enough. NAD, I do think the current metal music scene is wondrous, so maybe that's why I think they're generic.

That's all I'll comment on HoM in this thread, as they have there own numerous threads in the forum.

Back on topic, In Fixation, Conspire is a refreshing listen, and reminded me why I fell in love with hardcore (term used loosely here) in the first place.
J. said:
Yeah, I agree. Lets keep the HoM discussions in one of the ten threads about them. I listened to the 5 or 6 samples lurch showed me. They did nothing except make me laugh. I did like The Witches Dance until they opened their mouths, though. The non-gay vocals were pretty good, but based on the mp3's, weren't used enough.
It doesn't matter what you think. Now, if you knew what you were talking about, then of course it would bear some relevance. In the same way, I wouldn't ask a jazz affecionado to comment on Darkthrone.

NAD, I do think the current metal music scene is wondrous, so maybe that's why I think they're generic.
Yep, spoken like a true n00b.

That's all I'll comment on HoM in this thread, as they have there own numerous threads in the forum.
And the problem with that is...?

Back on topic, In Fixation, Conspire is a refreshing listen, and reminded me why I fell in love with hardcore (term used loosely here) in the first place.
No, not back on topic. Hardcore is shit. Utter, utter shit. Everybody here hates it. Your tastes are completely irrelevant around here. Hardcore has no place in a heavy metal forum, or heavy metal - period. Neither does grunge, punk, or indie. It makes no sense here whatsoever.
Wow. :lol:

I always love how JayKeeley tries to be nice when his hated issues arise (consisting mostly of racism and hardcore), but then suddenly the floodgates open. :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
It doesn't matter what you think. Now, if you knew what you were talking about, then of course it would bear some relevance. In the same way, I wouldn't ask a jazz affecionado to comment on Darkthrone.

Yep, spoken like a true n00b.

And the problem with that is...?

No, not back on topic. Hardcore is shit. Utter, utter shit. Everybody here hates it. Your tastes are completely irrelevant around here. Hardcore has no place in a heavy metal forum, or heavy metal - period. Neither does grunge, punk, or indie. It makes no sense here whatsoever.
You done whining yet?
NAD said:
Wow. :lol:

I always love how JayKeeley tries to be nice when his hated issues arise (consisting mostly of racism and hardcore), but then suddenly the floodgates open. :tickled:
Pfft, for a second there I thought I was in the GMD. :loco:
Now that it seems Ali is done acting like a whiny bitch, allow me to respond. I shall keep it civil.

JayKeeley said:
It doesn't matter what you think. Now, if you knew what you were talking about, then of course it would bear some relevance. In the same way, I wouldn't ask a jazz affecionado to comment on Darkthrone.
I totally agree! This is not my style of music, so I am completely out of my league on HoM. So yes, what I think of the band will not matter to someone who might be interested, just like I wouldn't ask your opinion on a hardcore band. However, I am still entitled to what I think of the band, regardless. I didn't like it, there is no law against that. Simple.

Yep, spoken like a true n00b.
If I'm a "n00b", so are some of the individuals that frequent this forum and that write for your webzine.

And the problem with that is...?
That's just it, I never said there was a problem! I simply stated that the discussion regarding HoM should be moved to one of the other threads about them. Isn't that the way these threads should work?

No, not back on topic. Hardcore is shit. Utter, utter shit.
Well, I guess I have to use the ol' Ali saying that "everyone is entitled to their opinion'.

Everybody here hates it.
Hmmm, then you should really get rid of that Neurosis CD. And so should BWD, and NAD, and Nate, and myself and PJ.

Your tastes are completely irrelevant around here.
Does that mean you don't like Aeternus and everyone here did not like Arcane Sun or Primordial or Geasa or Scald?

Hardcore has no place in a heavy metal forum, or heavy metal - period. Neither does grunge, punk, or indie. It makes no sense here whatsoever.
Fair enough. Then I totally expect you to jump into any discussion about Alice in Chains, Nirvana, prog rock, jazz, or any other form of music that is not metal. Sound fair?

It also makes no sense to start an argument in a thread that you have no interest in. Did I comment in any of the HoM threads? No, I didn't. Wait, yes I did. I asked whether or not I would like the band because i might buy one of their CDs. What a concept!

And just for the record, I never bashed HoM. Hell man, I even listened to all the mp3's, and I simply did not like it. I was totally civil about not liking them. I didn't judge them before hearing them (which is what you do with hardcore, but I digress). lurch brought them into this discussion, not me (I'm not blaming him for anything, I'm just saying).

I also went back to their website and read some reviews. The words "power" (which I equate with trad metal) and "gothic" are used quite a bit in those reviews, for your information.

To Paul, sorry this thread turned out like this. I was simply trying to introduce a new band in the middle of the Megadeth, Metallica and HoM threads. Ultimate Metal, the zine, will be able to give you an unbiased and objective review and interview.

unhinged said:
stand up guy aren't a hardcore band
they much prefer to be called a metal band
Well there you go. My fault, then. Though in my emails to Paul McClure, he does equate SUG with some hardcore bands. It's just to hard to pigeonhole them, so I used the easy route. :)
Fair enough. Then I totally expect you to jump into any discussion about Alice in Chains, Nirvana, prog rock, jazz, or any other form of music that is not metal. Sound fair?
LOLOLOLO because no other genres have any place in a heavy metal forum? No. Real metal has influences from stuff like classical, folk music, even punk (omfg) and such and I could see that being discussed in a heavy metal forum. Stuff like grunge (Dreamlord has a fucking point, go away with the Nirvana bullshit already unless you mean the Swedish death metal band that had to change name to Nirvana 2002 because of some Seattle pop band) and hardcore doesn't really

THEN AGAIN WHAT DO I CARE, I really think you're both overreacting. -core threads don't bother me so much. I like Nasum occasionally and they're grindcore.

We wouldn't class ourselves as hardcore because it lumps you in with alot of bands that we'd care not to be lumped in with. I guess it's the same with most musical terms. We do equat ourselves to some hardcore bands, much in the same way we do to metal bands.

Nu metal, I would like to think we're not. The two samples on the website do no give you a full picture of the Stand-Up Guy sound, they were picked purely on the basis of them being the shortest. Perhaps we should have put up one of the longer, 10min songs, to get rid of all that 'nu metal' type singing as you call it.

For more references of our style of music, please visit and check out the live and CD reviews.

Jeff, no sweat man. All talk is good talk in my book. Plus because of you I got an email from Nate.

I'll mail you tomorrow man.

Erik said:
LOLOLOLO because no other genres have any place in a heavy metal forum? No. Real metal has influences from stuff like classical, folk music, even punk (omfg) and such and I could see that being discussed in a heavy metal forum. Stuff like grunge (Dreamlord has a fucking point, go away with the Nirvana bullshit already unless you mean the Swedish death metal band that had to change name to Nirvana 2002 because of some Seattle pop band) and hardcore doesn't really
I was more or less being facetious, but you're right. Metal has taken influences from countless genres, including hardcore. Just look at God Forbid (who PJ and Nate like) and Shadows Fall (who I believe some in this forum like).

Even Nirvana and ALice in Chains, both grunge bands, have been discussed heavily in the forum, but none of those treads were ever ruined. Didn't Pearl Jam have a thread, too?

But since the moderators like (or at least can tolerate) those bands, the threads are A-OK.
Yaha, I think all those Alice in Chains, Nirvana, and Pearl Jam threads were mine. :tickled:

As far as getting shit from threads for bands you like, shit happens. For fuck's sake, how many times have I been told "TOOL IS TEH GHEY!!!!!111" even though several here love them as much as I do?
NAD said:
As far as getting shit from threads for bands you like, shit happens. For fuck's sake, how many times have I been told "TOOL IS TEH GHEY!!!!!111" even though several here love them as much as I do?
That's no problem, but when you say stupid ignorant crap like "your tastes are irrelevant", and calling me "n00b", then it moves into personal territory. And for what? Because I didn't like his new favorite band?

@Paul, I meant to ask you, do you still have the Terrorizer review of Has ANything You've Done Made Your Life Better?
I mostly agree with Dreamlord. Jay was a bit too harsh. However, I don't understand why you would whine about Hammers discussion in this thread; it is a well-known fact of life that EVERY thread at the Royal Carnage forum will eventually end up off topic. :loco:

Grunge is still shit.
Erik said:
I mostly agree with Dreamlord. Jay was a bit too harsh. However, I don't understand why you would whine about Hammers discussion in this thread; it is a well-known fact of life that EVERY thread at the Royal Carnage forum will eventually end up off topic. :loco:
This is true, and I except part of the blame. I just felt that the Hammers discussion could have easily been moved to one of the other Hammers threads in the forum, since they have at least two threads on the first page. I even basically offered to take the discussion to one of the other threads by mentioning them, but Ali was dead set on keeping it in the SUG thread.
Yeah, great, now can we please stop throwing sand at each other and admire this adorable animated puppy instead?
