Standout Albums from this year -- have you got a top 3 yet?

Ohh yea, I need to hear the new Into Eternity too. Looks like the new Symphony X wont be till next year. Blind Guardian is good, but I dont find myself listening to it that much.
Carbonized said:
Stuff i wanna hear but haven't yet:
Arcturus (don't even know if it came out this year or last)
There's more i'm sure but i can't remember. Maybe i'll add more later.

Arcturus is late 2005...the general consensus is that it's their worst so far, and I'm inclined to agree...never thought that I'd feel boredom creeping in when listening to them. En Vind: New SX isn't coming out until 2010 at the earliest...most delayed CD not to feature Axl Rose ever.