Stargate: Universe


May 22, 2003
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So I just watched the premiere of the latest SG series. I have to say, even though I heard that it was a bit of a departure from the style of SG1 and Atlantis, I wasn't prepared for just how different it was. A lot darker, somewhat successfully so. If it wasn't for the Stargates and the brief appearances of O'neall, Jackson, and Carter, one would think it was an entirely different franchise. A few gripes (SPOILERS, MAYBE):

-The Eli character is really annoying. I really don't like looking at this fat SUPERBAD-esque WoW slob, and the premise for him joining the SG project (he beat an unbeatable online game!?) is, dare I say, fucking retarded.
-Some of the more "emotional" moments failed, and failed hard. For example, the scene where the doctor dude was listening to sad sad opera music whilst crying and looking at the picture of the woman who is presumably tot was the cheesiest stupidest thing I've seen in a while, I literally LOL'd.

Otherwise, I was pleased with the episode. I really like the premise of them being stuck billions and billions of light years away from Earth. The new feel of the show was refreshing, and I didn't feel like they were trying too hard to be BSG. And I like the Dr Rush character quite a bit.
Exact same feelings from me. Tonnes of promise, and I was surprised how much of a departure it was too.

I was pretty meh on it. Granted, I was pretty bitter about scifi in general while watching it since I had just gotten back from watching surrogates (HOLY FUCKING HORRIBLE), so I'll have to try it again when I'm not in such an anti-scifi mood.
I heard Surrogates was pretty good, via a fair chunk of trustworthy reviews. Elaborate?

SyFy are a tad contemptible as it is, but I reckon this could get good.
It was decent. I'm hoping that they aren't trying to hard to bend the Stargate universe into some sort of a show with that BSG-feel. I'm totally going to give it a chance as I'm curious to see what direction the show will go in.
My fear for the SG:U forumula.
Everyweek, ship breaks down, computer stops them at a new planet to find parts.

"But doctor you said XXXXX would fix it and we would be home!"

"I'm trying, this ship is more alien/advanced than any other technology the ancients ever created."

Last five minutes of the show problem is fixed....until next week.
Personally, when that girls dad sacrificed himself, I thought it was pretty corny to show his hand slowly sway back and forth, then stop. Cheese...Also, is it just me or are the money making hounds onto the whole Battlestar Galactica action sequence thing?

Fuck this show, that scientist with long hair knows something and it ruins the show with "Haha but you didn't know I did this and this, and I knew this all along MUHAHHA I'M NOW THE BAD GUY". I just don't know what I'm really talking about yet.
you sure aren't

although when I watched it with my brother I did that animation when the dad is dying with his hand...

...only to swing it back up and shout SHOOTER!!!!
New episode thoughts?

I thought it was pretty alright. Decent enough story-arc for an introduction, although it wasn't mindblowing. I like the characters a bit more now, but I'm still not totally convinced. I'll keep watching it, for sure, but I hope it gets better.
New episode then.


I'm still exactly where I was last week. I like it, it's pretty good, but I'm still not squirming with excitement. I have hopes that it'll get good. TBH, I think BSG has totally spoiled me.
Watched this again. They are so conspicuous it's crazy.

Plus sides, Carlyle has real acting chops, and the universe they've laid out is pretty interesting.
I just watched up to Episode 4, pretty impressed. Carlyle is awesome. But some of the other characters seem a little too stereotypical, Eli as "the loveable nerd", Scott as "the valiant military guy", Col. Young as "The father figure" etc etc.

Aside from that it is pretty good, and that army chick does have massive boobs.