Stargate: Universe

The new episode?

Maybe some spoilers.

I have a few thoughts: (i) Rush remains a really great character and Robert Carlyle is brilliant. Really. (ii) On the converse - Eli is extremely annoying. I hope the character sketch is much deeper than the stereotype he currently is and that he'll grow into that. (iii) Despite (ii) the Rush/Eli relationship could become pretty interesting.

Some real menace in this episode, and one scene in particular is pretty gory, especially so when you consider this is a Stargate series. Also, I liked the emphasis didn't just float off with the Col. and Lt. Scott, but stayed on the ship, and also that TJ finally has a bit of a bigger role and Greer continues to be a pretty cool character.
Yeah, the Eli character is pretty lame, though the Rush/Eli combo could be worked into something rather interesting. Perhaps at some point Eli could shift into a mini-Rush causing lots of conflict with the other characters. The colonel dude also is a good character and could be fleshed out in a nice way.
Was it just me or is it interesting that the water consuming bugs were left on a planet full of ice ( frozen water ) and could be used in the future as some sort of conflict/story arc. What are the consequences of such an action?
Nope, I agree. I think that could be pretty interesting in the future. That they carried their story through a few episodes, and with them mimicking TJ's' and Scott's' face, there is a good chance they might come back.

That said, as the ship keeps jumping around, and seems to be catering for their basic needs at the moment, will it ever visit the same place twice? I recall the makers said their would be no full-time antagonist aliens in the series, so my guess is no.

The ship as a character, and a mysterious one at that, is really fascinating.
Kind of off topic because its not science fiction, but has anyone seen this Legend of the Seeker show?
Never even heard of it before today, but theres a marathon on SyFyllis. It's like a 3rd rate cheesy as hell lord of the rings. pretty entertaining.
I've never seen it, but I think it's based on a series of books by someone I can't exactly remember? (I don't read much fantasty).
Legend of the Seeker is based off of the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. This is my favorite fantasy series ever. I highly recommend it to anybody.

Legend of the Seeker, the show, is based on only the first book of the series, Wizard's First Rule. I was really excited when the show was announced and that Goodkind himself would be involved in the production. He warned from the beginning that some minor things may need to change in the story, or be altered or what have you, to make it work for television. It turns out the story was almost completely changed. I stopped even bothering to watch the show after the 3rd episode. It's not nearly as good as the book.

Max you should check out the book if you enjoy the story of the show. The principles are the same, but the way events happen and pan out and some of the characters are quite a bit different.
After I finish my current game of FO3 I'm gonna hardcore read for a bit. Perhaps I'll check that out after I'm done with the Ender's Game series and the Hyperion Cantos.
Wow. It really got going this week.

The Rush mystery thickens and the communication stones add a really neat element to the story. The end especially is really fucking good.

I feel like it's all kicked of.
I dunno, I'm pretty much in the same place I was 4 episodes ago. It's not terrible, but its yet to blow me away, and I feel like its building up to something so I keep watching to see if it reaches its potential, but after every episode I'm still feeling exactly the same.
Same, there seems to be a pretty significant lack of action at the moment. In fact the last episode actually bored me a bit. And the almost slapstick glitches with the communication stones were a little unneeded.