Stargate: Universe

Well, I liked it.

I can agree with the "just not enough shit happening yet" idea you're all throwing around, though. That said, I think there was a fair bit of pathos in this episode, and I finally felt like it was going to do something.
Oh my, the most recent episode was much better. Great ending. Some criticisms: Its doing the whole cheesy Stargate thing where you have a bunch of main characters die, but then undo it (usually via time travel), so you can temporarily kill off characters and without actually having any kind of consequences. Annoying. Also, It really bugged me that when Eli turned on the night vision it just went into a negative. Finally, they need to learn that crying characters does not a dark TV show make.

But otherwise, quite good episode.


I'll be impressed if they actually killed off Chloe, like like I said above, I doubt it.
Similar thoughts from me. Great episode. When she died, I had the suspicion she'd be back, but I was hoping they'd have the balls to really do it.

Eli was annoying yet again with his "nerdy" pop-culture references.


She's not dead. I didn't think they'd do it, but there you are.

Bit of a wank episode this week. Some of it worked, some didn't. Mostly about the psychology of the people on the ship, and some of them, despite getting a fair bit of screen time, I just didn't give a toss about. Camille is a bullshit character thus far, and the time allotted to her being reunited with her lesbian love is just so incredibly dull.

Eli manages to avoid being annoying until the very end, but they really need to work on his character - he's frankly annoying.

The use of songs as the soundtrack (they're horribly obvious) didn't work, I don't think. At all.

Overall, it was OK. Good parts and bad parts.

Was it just me or did they completely ignore last weeks episode? Was the very of the last week meant to tell us that they were able to get the venom from the creatures and save everyone? Sure didn't seem that way to me but I guess so. Bunch of bullshit that was.

The arguement between Young(?) and Rush was cool. Everything else was meh.
Oh I'm all for the implied but it really didn't appear to have gone that way. To me it seemed that it was in fact a bit more dire than just hitting the reset button on the time line. Or " I'll go back in time and leave myself a emssage therfore this never happened". At the very least there should have been some sort of ramifications to the illness which plagued them.
I suppose they go to the planet in the new time line, find the recording from Lt. Scott, discover the problem immediately, capture one of those creatures and cure the illness.

Granted, it was all a bit up in the air, but I still like how it ended. It was kinda cool, I thought.
Oh, don't get me wrong I LIKED last week's episode alot. I just hate how they " star trekked " this weeks and pretending like nothing ever happened.
I was expecting something to happen at the beginning of this week to tie up that story just a bit, or at least reference it in some way, with a bit of consequence pershaps but, nothing.
Could have been a simple " damn, the venom worked but Joe Blow was just too far along. we lost 3 others due to the venom itself."

Honestly for a second it seemed like they showed episodes out of order.
Maybe they did?

I get you, though. The episode was fairly dark, but there was no repercussions because of it. I know it is maybe a little early to kill of characters, but they could have killed some mother fuckers, maybe even one we'd seen once or twice.
Like Max mentioned earlier, I had some hope they were gonna kill Chloe off. That would take some balls just 8 episodes in, but they didn't do it. She's a bit of eye-candy, but so far she has done absolutely nothing. Much like most of the characters. Remove Rush, Young, Scott and maybe Greer absolutely nothing would be happening.

It feels like they're setting things up a bit (with the shady characters on earth etc), but we're yet to witness it.
Yeah, that would have been cool. Or heck, even kill off that annoying fat engineer type dude who shows up from time to time.
The nice thing about the show is the potential for a "Lost" type character setting. There are X amount of people on the ship, you don't see them all, so at various times people with various skills could become more in the spotlight.
So take a chance and off one or two characters after making them known to the audience.
I would have been happy with one of the almost nameless scientist/engineers being killed off.

Also, was the kid with Young in the communication stones room when he got cut off Jammer from BSG?
Doesn't really matter.

It was just curious because he's recognisable enough actor, but he's never been seen before on the ship (I don't think).
ok I haven't seen this weeks(weekends) episode but the previous ones were awesome and teh difference to how it was to previous stargate episodes of similar caliber was great