Started building my (small) studio

Hahahahahha Eric

"oh man those amps are sweet!"
"I gotta have those mics!"
"I want that chair!" :lol:

Dude that is the chair of all chairs. All chairs want to be a Herman Miller chair....

But there is no way I'd spend over $30 for a chair so no Herman Miller Aeron for me :waah:
Guys, regardless of what Eddie does for a living (I too am convinced that the supermarket business is just a front for something else ...) the REAL art that he mastered is convincing his wife that all of these purchases are necessary. :lol: :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

Now imagine all the appeasement gifts he has to buy for the missus ON TOP of all the gear ... :goggly:
Guys, regardless of what Eddie does for a living (I too am convinced that the supermarket business is just a front for something else ...) the REAL art that he mastered is convincing his wife that all of these purchases are necessary. :lol: :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

Now imagine all the appeasement gifts he has to buy for the missus ON TOP of all the gear ... :goggly:

No shit. is the Rhoads head?

It's very nice, very powerfull, I think that's a great blending amp, great punch and definition, powerfull mids!!!

I seriously think I'm gonna cry

How come you have 4 pairs of KM's, dude? Are some 84's and some 184's, or mods, or what? And two D112's but only one D6, for shame! Amps look amazing too (well, the only ones I care about are the SLO100 and Herbert, but those are still bonerriffic!) - all you need now is an Engl Savage 120 and you'll officially own every amp I could ever want! And are those Adam S3A's? How do they compare to the Barefoots? (cuz truthfully, I can't believe you wouldn't find them useless now that you have the MM27's!)

I have 2 pairs of 184s, and 2 pairs of 84s which I like better, less sterile than 184s

I have 2 D112s for a long time that were intended to record double bassdrum, but drummers at least in my country get used to 1 BD, so when it's time to record they prefer only 1, so no need to buy more than 1 mic for that, I bought the D6 last year (I love it) and also only one Subkick, If I get a double bassdrum drummer I will think of that later... :lol:

I prefer the Barefoots to the Adams, I don't like the lower mids on the Adams.
But I decided to keep the Adams since for the price that I could sell them I prefer to keep another pair of different reference monitors, to get a different perspective.

There are more amps that I still need: :lol:

Mesa Mark IV
etc etc... :lol:

Are you a hitman or something? :lol:

I only hit my bank account :)

Seriously... is your dayjob running a drug cartel or something? :OMG:

nope. But I work a lot in a sucessfull business :cool:


That is sick. Very well done! Looks incredible bro

thanks, I appreciate it :kickass:

Yeah, did you knock over a bank to get those mics? :OMG:

Nope, spending all my money for a long time.

nice studio!

Guys, regardless of what Eddie does for a living (I too am convinced that the supermarket business is just a front for something else ...) the REAL art that he mastered is convincing his wife that all of these purchases are necessary. :lol: :notworthy

Now imagine all the appeasement gifts he has to buy for the missus ON TOP of all the gear ...

You may all not believe me, and you may all say the same, but my wife is incredible, best wife in the world :), she supports me in all that I do.
Of course that I don't spend all the money in gear, she haves her share,
And of course that I give her some beautiful gifts, because she deserves it.
But it is in gear that "we" :) spend most :cool:
Holy fuck those drums come punching out of my MacBook speakers ...

The keyboards could benefit from less cheesy, less 1997 sounding sounds, but that's not your problem really!

Musically, this is one of the best tracks I've ever heard here on this forum. Just needs more autotune on the clean vocals for a more sterile effect, I think! Unless they wanna go for this post-rock-emo kind of vibe ...

Let me know when the demo/cd is available!