Started building my (small) studio

I can only imagine the $$ invested in there...:goggly:
looks really nice.I would like to visit your fortress :notworthy
to share some knowledge and drink some minis (small beers):kickass:
Please keep us updated on your construction!!

De um algarvio para outro (presumo) força ai:)
Please excuse me if this has been covered.
But what are / were the deminsions of the studio before you began contsruction, and what will they be when you are done?
Man, what a massive project! I assume you are some sort of craftsman or otherwise schooled in construction??

I don't think he's doing the work, but I could be wrong...

I only did the floor (framing and sheeting), which is way more complicated than the walls.

I had to follow dimensions and angles without any floor guide and had to build the under cable channels which are screwed from the bottom.
With the floor done you have all the guidance to build the walls around.
I stopped doing it because I needed the time that I was using to build it, to work and sleep, and also to get it done faster (it hasn't been the case) :erk:

I'd love to know the running total on a project like this. Also, maybe you could recoupe some of your costs by putting together a "How To" manual and selling it on eBay for a few bucks.:)

I'll try to do a total cost in the end.
I'm trying to keep all receipts, so that I can do it.
That would be a nice idea. I don't think I have the time for it. :lol:
But if I do I'll give you some royalties for the idea :)

I can only imagine the $$ invested in there...:goggly:
looks really nice.I would like to visit your fortress :notworthy
to share some knowledge and drink some minis (small beers):kickass:
Please keep us updated on your construction!!

De um algarvio para outro (presumo) força ai:)

Your welcome, but not the minis, I don't drink beer, or any alcohol, sorry :)

I don't like the taste of cheese and alcohol BTW :lol:

De que zona do Algarve é que és?

Please excuse me if this has been covered.
But what are / were the deminsions of the studio before you began contsruction, and what will they be when you are done?

I took this from Gearslutz where someone asked me the same:

It's a small studio, the dimensions of the bare space are 11.40mt x 5,30mt,

The inner dimensions are hard to tell because both rooms are not square. They have various angles.

But to give you an idea of the CR, the front wall is +/- 3mt, the side walls +/- 4,90mt and the back wall is +/- 5,20mt.

The recording room is +/- 6,60m x 4,90m x 5,50m x 4,90m
I took this from Gearslutz where someone asked me the same:

It's a small studio, the dimensions of the bare space are 11.40mt x 5,30mt,

The inner dimensions are hard to tell because both rooms are not square. They have various angles.

But to give you an idea of the CR, the front wall is +/- 3mt, the side walls +/- 4,90mt and the back wall is +/- 5,20mt.

The recording room is +/- 6,60m x 4,90m x 5,50m x 4,90m

Shit... i tried entering those into a conversion table online and all i got was NaN...

What are those dimensions in FEET?
Shit... i tried entering those into a conversion table online and all i got was NaN...

What are those dimensions in FEET?

I took this from Gearslutz where someone asked me the same:

It's a small studio, the dimensions of the bare space are 37.4ft x 17.4ft,

The inner dimensions are hard to tell because both rooms are not square. They have various angles.

But to give you an idea of the CR, the front wall is +/- 9.8ft, the side walls +/- 16.1ft and the back wall is +/- 17.1ft.

The recording room is +/- 21.7ft x 16.1ft x 18ft x 16.1ft

Thanks a lot for the reply, Eddy!
I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my question.
The studio looks great & I hope it continues going well for you!
Take care.

Shit... i tried entering those into a conversion table online and all i got was NaN...

What are those dimensions in FEET?

It's small but not that small!!! :lol:

The Rec Room wall 1st layer is done. (Actually it is in a later stage now, but I'll try to post step by step.)

Pic of the wall filled with rockwool, It has 2 layers of 50mm.


Pic of the back of the wall where you can see the wire that was used to get the rockwool in place so it doesn't fall back to the air space.


Dimmer Isolation Box


Lights isolation boxes in preperation
The project had tracking lights in mind, but the ceiling is so low already that I didn't want the lights to be hung from that height.
So I decided to but downlights, it has to have a isolation box in each, since the lights are recessed in the ceiling.


Pics of the Rec room wall 1st layer installed and taped


That is awesome!
Very inspirational to see all of this going on!
I can't wait to see the next set of pics too!
Thank you for posting this!
That is great news! It will give me something to look forward to .... as i am watching (4) children tonight! Not the most fun I will have in my life time!
Here it is. :cool:

The Recording Room ceiling 2nd layer is done.
It's plywood 19mm (3/4")

The acoustic caulk is disappearing!!!!
At this point they spent 10 900ml (29oz) on walls and ceiling.
I already ordered 24 more.





Pic of a lightning isolation box


Rockwool for the Control room has arrived

Awesome! I have been waiting for this pictorial update!
The ceiling looks fantastic. Can't wait for the next set of pics!
Thanks a lot for going through the trouble of posting these!
Take care!
