Started building my (small) studio

Wouldn't that be the 'control' room, then?

And you've seriously never heard the laundry room called the machine room?


No... the control room is where the desk/monitor/mouse/keyboard/outboard gear is - where you record from. The 'machine room' is a small adjacent room for all the more noisy things - computers, harddrives, tape decks, etc.

I've heard a laundry room called a machine room, but I've never heard of a laundry room in a studio.

Look at the size of the 'machine' room he built - you could barely fit a washer in that corner, let alone a washer, dryer, and have room to actually put shit in them.
Yeah, I hadn't asked why laundry would be done in the studio, I just learned to stop asking questions like that around here. I stand corrected.

Ahh, the "machine room" is for the roooobots, who change tape reels, label cds, sweep carpet, charge up at night. I get it.:loco: Sorta like a doghouse for the robots. Nice!!!:lol: I keep my robots in the control room with me. I can't trust 'em, if I don't see 'em. This studio IS looking pretty baddass, Eddy. I'm still wondering if that sheetrock really is applied to the floor though?:loco:
i see you have a dyson vacuum. Those things are amazing as far as vacuums go.

Yes they are!!!

May I ask why the machine room flooring is so elaborate? I think that's one place I would've cut costs, since you don't really need the best acoustics in a machine room.

Actually it's just because I had enough neoprene pads and rockwool left, so I used them.
I could have used other thing to get the floor to the same level, but in the end it was easier to use the pads since I had them. And I could not fill it with the rockwool but since I had some left, why not :)
For the rest I had to do it the same way since I had to do the cables channel through.

Hey Eddy!!
Take it easy!
Mine took 18 months to be ready. It drove me nuts!!! There's always something missing; being the electrician, some sort of cable, special screws, a piece of rockwool or even a bloody screwdriver (!!) that someone took by mistake (true!)!
But I'm sure it will be a hell of a nice working/recording place!!!

You're absolutely right, but it drives me crazy!!!!! :mad:
It will be a "hell of a nice working/recording place" if it ever gets done :rolleyes: :lol:

This studio IS looking pretty baddass, Eddy. I'm still wondering if that sheetrock really is applied to the floor though?:loco:

When I saw the project I also thought that it was strange but it is like that.
Since It is between the wood sheets it doesn't break, and the difference in materials helps in isolation.
Here are some pics of the doors. BTW the doors weight over 100kg each!!! :heh:



Here is a pic of an acoustic ceiling hanger


and here some pics of the HVAC fresh air ins and outs.


NICE!!!! :OMG:

Alot of $$$$ invested into that hey? The company I work for built two studios here in Chicago a few years back. One was for a Symphony School (( It had like 16 separate studios in one building! Each had triple rock [drywall] from floor to deck. And that wasn't counting the 8" cynder block walls and sound proof insulation. Their doors looked very similar to yours. I bet you could shoot a .44 Magnum in one studio and not hear a thing in the next. It's on Michigan Ave.
The other was a smaller scale, but still nice one :loco:

Yours looks Great so far. I see some drywall in that second from last picture!!
A double door system? Thats insane!

No it's not :)
Two completely independent rooms, two independent doors :p

Alot of $$$$ invested into that hey?

Yes :erk:

I see some drywall in that second from last picture!!

Yes, waiting for the next step.
And here it is:

The 1st layer of the recording room ceiling is done.
It took a lot of time to put the rockwool, they had to do a lot of cuts.
They just need to put 2 pieces and tape the drywall before the plywood layer.

Here are some pics of the Rockwool. It should be enough for the whole recording room.


And here a pic of the drywall for the 1st layer of both rooms I had to buy 13mm instead of 15mm, I would have to wait more 2-3 weeks, so I got the 13mm they had in stock, the 15mm one will come on time for the 3rd layer.
On the bottom is part of the particleboard needed for the walls 2nd layer


Pics of the ceiling layer





Man, what a massive project! I assume you are some sort of craftsman or otherwise schooled in construction??

It's not about being schooled or being a craftsman. Seriously 50% of the job is having the proper tools..building walls and stuff isn't that hard. You just need common sense and actually measure properly!

Letting it being build is not because not having the skill, but I think more of saving time. Pro's just can do everything faster then when you try to do it yourself.

Electrics though is a whole other story! :).. That's a bit harder..

BTW. It's looking AWESOME!
I'd love to know the running total on a project like this. Also, maybe you could recoupe some of your costs by putting together a "How To" manual and selling it on eBay for a few bucks.:)