Started building my (small) studio

Jesus...I've been coming back here every now and then to check the updates since the start of this thread, lol and picture after picture I'm forced to ask...
...Did you win the lottery or something?
Even if I was sure about that, those sentences kill dreams dude :D

I know :D

Back to Studio construction :)
Control Room ceiling 2nd layer finished.




Looking cloer & closer, Eddy!
Thanks (once again) for showing the pictures! Awesome stuff, sir!
Take care

Cool, if you had the guts to do it, maybe it'll be easier for me too :) I've been thinking what do after I finish school (if I even get accepted to one :D), and I've been convinced for a long time that I want to work with music. After considering different options for a while, I figured out it'd be best to take the risk and go for it, take a loan and build a studio after getting enough experience. I know it's a huge risk and maybe not very wise, but then again that's the thing I really want and I'm willing to take the chance :)
ssshhhh! Can you hear that? EXACTLY!!!! It's sound-proofed! :goggly:
Almost looks like you are ready to start getting that wonderful equipment in there! (or at least pretty soon!)

this is imence! i'd like to know were your storing all your equipment utill u move it in.. do u have a mini studio built already sumwere or is it all cooped up in a room... take some pics!

your a real brave guy, and this wud be my dream! i'm actualy considering it know.. without being to cheeky... but how much of a loan have you taken out? so i cud see how much of my life i'd be risking lol.

cheers man! awsome job!
Evil Eye Studio
That looks great Eddy. I sure wish I could see all of this progress in person. I am sure that is a site to see. Thanks for posting more pics!
I look forward to the next batch!

That looks like an evil eye staring at you in that last picture, at the bottom of the thickest wood :lol:

Didn't notice that. Cool!!! :cool:

Evil Eye Studio
That looks great Eddy. I sure wish I could see all of this progress in person. I am sure that is a site to see. Thanks for posting more pics!
I look forward to the next batch!


"Evil Eye Studio" I think I'll keep that name for my possible studio names. Thanks :kickass:

And thanks for all the great comments and interest in this construction!! :)

So another update:

Control room 3rd layer taped and Recording room 3rd layer screwed.

Control room taped:
You can also see the fake beam that's being made to achieve Control room symmetry, since the other beam was made to cover the actual house beam



Recording room screwed
who's been walking on the walls and ceiling???



Your house is gonna be worth a forutne if you ever should sell it!
Those pics are very kewl. You are way more patient than I .... I would've already been moving stuff in there, and having sessions!
Very cool, Eddy. Thank you for the update!
Good luck!
