Starting Wage


Oct 26, 2009
So, I have about 3 bands who want to record an album with me..

The only thing is, I'm an idiot, and didn't think of rates.

1) I've never officially recorded a whole album

2) However, I think with countless hours of recording my own stuff, and recording a few songs from various bands, I have the experience, knowledge and ear for doing a whole album.

This being said, how much should I charge per song? Do you think 100$ a song is a good starting wage for an upcoming producer trying to make it on his own?


Oh by the way, if you're wanting to hear what quality recording I do, here's an example:
I wouldn't do per song, I'd do a day rate and then have a flat rate charge for mixing and mastering

$150/day if you're shooting for bottom feeders I suppose plus whatever you want to charge for mix/master, but for the quality you offer you could easily charge $250/day

$100/song is way too cheap for the quality of song that you have shown you're capable of producing, IMHO

If you do per song bands will take their sweet ass time and you will end up making less than minimum wage per hour that you work
with the quality of the sample on your myspace, you could get away with charging quite a bit. I don't know much about the US market though.

Why do I get the feeling you like Devin Townsend :p
with the quality of the sample on your myspace, you could get away with charging quite a bit. I don't know much about the US market though.

Why do I get the feeling you like Devin Townsend :p

I do, indeed, like Devin! =)

However, the musician who wrote that song LOVES Devin! :headbang:
I was trying to do per song rates. Bands didn't get it (for some reason). Charge $150/day....or ask each band what their budget is, and try to meet it. Some bands are willing to play a lot more than you'd think. Another thing is to break the cost down into per member. It sounds better that way.

What sounds more feasible. "This EP will cost $1000."


"If you each pitch in $200, you will have a professional quality EP!"
Kind of unrelated but that track on the myspace kicks total ass - link to the bands myspace or something? maybe details on the guitar tone/vocal recording? that shit is awesome!

As for rates, I've found smaller bands don't like hourly/day rates, and just want to hear a final thing. I do $200/song for local bands since that's all I can seem to get out of them - your results might vary, though.
I'm doing $300 a tune here and nobody complains. I don't mind putting in some extra time. Am I selling myself short? Probably, but that's all people will pay right now. For 2011, I might try day rates or just do 4-500 a song. I kind of produce the bands too, so I'll tell them when we move on or to do something again or "let's try this". Track sounds good by the way.
Thanks everybody!

The band I recorded/produced is called The Omega Experiment.

It's really just one guy who writes and plays everything except for the intricate key parts.

Here's a link to their myspace:

I'm actually starting a new project soon! One that I'm suppppper excited about.. Here's the link to THAT band I'll be working with starting next week:

Apparently the songs on that myspace (Alchemists) were all recorded and mixed by the guy from Born of Osiris.... Ez drummer on that stuff?!?! Huh? Weird..

Anyways.. I can't WAIT to start tracking them..:heh::heh::heh: