
Current status of Spiral Architect:
- UPDATE: We've started writing the next album. Right now we're just sorting out bits and pieces to see what we've got.
- Line-up is as it's been this millennium; Øyvind, Steinar, Asgeir, Lars and Andreas.
- Tabs... Still not finished.
- Shows... Sorry, we've stopped playing live.

Last updated: November 17. 2006

- Asgeir
Asgeir, how are you doing. Pretty busy with your new studio,uh? Twisted Into Form sounds amazing! Still waiting for you to answer ym interview, hahaha.
All the best!
Current status of Spiral Architect:
- UPDATE: We've started writing the next album. Right now we're just sorting out bits and pieces to see what we've got.
- Line-up is as it's been this millennium; Øyvind, Steinar, Asgeir, Lars and Andreas.
- Tabs... Still not finished.
- Shows... Sorry, we've stopped playing live.

Last updated: November 17. 2006

- Asgeir

Any new news? Just wondering if you've got any complete songs or anything... :)
being someone who's not too big on satyricon, i've gotta say that's good to hear, Asgeir. as amazing as it is, i'm honestly surprised i've listened to a sceptic's universe so frequently without getting sick or bored of it (as i often get with albums i listen to nonstop).

oh, what i'd give for a tour of the states!