
I have a really nice smoker grill. I am not going to fire that bitch up for two steaks, which is typically what I cook. If I am having friends over, or I am smoking a boston butt, or a briskit, then I work with it. Pan searing a steak is a very good way of cooking. A lot of 5 star restaurants do it that way.
Pan-searing is the only way to truly taste the meat. Charcoal is fun for cookouts and whatnot but it alters the taste of the meat in an unnatural way.

I prefer to cook my steak on a gas grill to medium rare. I refuse to cook a steak without Spade L Ranch steak rub. It is great because it doesn't cover up the steak flavor, it enhances it. You can find it in the Albertson's butcher section.
I would fire up my grill for two steaks. Do you know how simple it is to light a charcoal grill? Good god let it sit for a little awhile and prepare the rest of the meal. It is not back-breaking extra work you gotta do but whatever. We all like our MEAT in different ways if you know what I mean ;)
I have to say I was going to make a green eggs and ham reference but... STEAK!!!! It's great fried, baked, broiled, flambeed, snorted, injected, or grilled. I have to say certain cuts of meat need to be treated and cooked differently. However with cooking aside I feel its all about the cut of meat. I personally find that a new york-strip steak is the best fall back cut out there. I would honestly hump at the chance to suck down Kobe beef but I don't think thats going to happen anytime soon.
So the question I ask is: Whats your favorite cut of beef?
Also what do you pair it with? Me I choose potatoes and a green salad for most of the cooking types. If I am grilling I tend to mostly add grilled vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, egg plant, onions, peppers, etc..