stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

just tell that guy that you feel like he's a really good friend after working together now for some time and ask if he wants to come to your satan gospel club meeting in the forest after work where you listen to death methulz and rape goats
nice. work parties are fun and random :) heading out for some indian food with my gf tonight celebrating that we've been together longer than anyone ever could 'cause we rock and tomorrow it's my birthday ov doom and another reason to get krvnk <3
nice. work parties are fun and random :) heading out for some indian food with my gf tonight celebrating that we've been together longer than anyone ever could 'cause we rock and tomorrow it's my birthday ov doom and another reason to get krvnk <3

like you need a reason :lol:

drinkin bearz at work with my workpals tonitz, workparty iz on the horizon :kickass:

bears o_O
yessss, we got a good group for the next football world cup in south africa :D the group is spain (number 1 in the world right now), switzerland, honduras and chile! we are 17 in the fifa ranking... and the swiss are 18 so, everything depends of the game again switzerland, honduras will be easy to win and spain, well, everything depends of the game again switzerland, haha... happy days ov d00m :p
yessss, we got a good group for the next football world cup in south africa :D the group is spain (number 1 in the world right now), switzerland, honduras and chile! we are 17 in the fifa ranking... and the swiss are 18 so, everything depends of the game again switzerland, honduras will be easy to win and spain, well, everything depends of the game again switzerland, haha... happy days ov d00m :p

Spain are number 1 in Europe. Italy are world champions.
So we have this new guy at work, hes really polite, too polite really its almost scary. Since he is new he asks alot of questions and after he got his answere he allways end with a "good, good, thats really good", and stuff like "Good Johan(my name), good", its kinda funny.
He has been here for 5 weeks now and I have picked up that he is kind of a perfectionist, he works with IT-support on the phone mostly and hearing him talking to the clients can be mindboggling, he can describe how to press a powerbutton for about 5 minutes, he describes everything to the smallest detail and uses words I have never heard before.
Sometimes he puts his nose where it doesnt belong and start asking annoying questions and even if he gest a short snorky answere and you can tell hes not happy about the answere he says "good, good, thats really goood".

The last weeks I have been thinking, COME ON! NO ONE can be this positive, I could smack this guy in the face and he would say "good, goood, thats really goooood".
Ive been thinking this guys must be religious or something.

Another thing he is doing is that he is talking to himself all the time when he is working at his computer... "oh its like that", "now im gonna do that and then il do that", "ok that didnt work..., ahaa, its like thaat".
This is actually driving me fucking crazy and im gonna snap on him soon 'cause we sit in an open landscape so I can hear him all the time.

Yesterday I got it confirmed, he is in a religios "sect" called "Livets Ord", maybe the most religious movement in Sweden? :loco:
We often play music at work, usually rock and sometimes I put some heavier stuff on, I wonder what will happen if i put bloodbath on. :rolleyes:
yessss, we got a good group for the next football world cup in south africa :D the group is spain (number 1 in the world right now), switzerland, honduras and chile! we are 17 in the fifa ranking... and the swiss are 18 so, everything depends of the game again switzerland, honduras will be easy to win and spain, well, everything depends of the game again switzerland, haha... happy days ov d00m :p
Spain are number 1 in Europe. Italy are world champions.