stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

It is not a bad salary really but if you compare the salary of some other jobs that have an equally long and expensive education then it is a bad salary. 5 years of university studies should be worth a higher salary.

Yeah I studied for 2 years and get almost as much.

that's what i meant :)

But I will have aproximently 3 months of paid holiday each year and that kind of makes up for it :)

teachers, however have longer work days than most jobs. you also have to correct test(icle)s lulz
that's what i meant :)

teachers, however have longer work days than most jobs. you also have to correct test(icle)s lulz

Yes but that doesntake that much time really, I have spent about two months practising as a teacher and most of them are lazy as fuck and just sit around and drink coffé the entire day, if they acctually worked for all those hours, and had lunch breaks and stuff like on regular jobs most teachers should get so much more work done :)
Yeah, he has to work weekends sometimes reading essays or correcting shit, but he often has shorter days in the week.
I wouldnt want to change with him though.

Nope you do not have to work on weekends at all acctually, like I said there is plenty of time for teachers to correct essays and such during the day but teachers often have like ten coffee braks each day and then complain about having to much to do. If a teacher just works when he is at school then there really isn't that much to do.:)
Nope you do not have to work on weekends at all acctually, like I said there is plenty of time for teachers to correct essays and such during the day but teachers often have like ten coffee braks each day and then complain about having to much to do. If a teacher just works when he is at school then there really isn't that much to do.:)

my mother's a teacher, and she barely has any breaks :p

Is it just me, or is the whole Katatonia forum depressed?

Ha, imagine that. ;)
