stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Maybe that 12 year old Opeth fan boy doesn't :p

How come you don't drink a glass of wine for pleasure for example? Not necessarily to get drunk.. just enjoy the flavor.
LOL wine sucks... when I was 16, I got intoxicated with alcohol at a party... I don't remember a thing but my friends told me that I broke a glass table, puke the livingroom, the bathroom and the bed where they, literally, drag me to :lol: also, that night, I stopped breathing several times with convulsions and everything... next day was awful to say the least... since then I haven't drank at all.

You should try those man, it's basically made of fruit and ice, best thing eva. But it needs to be made properly, get a girlfriend and buy some drink book and make them with her and then have sex. And try some egg liquor too :rofl:
Oh you bastard, well there you go, impress her with some caipirinhas (fucking windows doesn't have the holy word caipirinha in it's dictionary, just added it to the dictionary), you can just drink a few to enjoy pure heaven, and then enjoy pure fun like you said haha.
can't do it anymore... she moved to another city like 8 months ago and I'm not looking for a new girlfriend right now cause I'll go back to sweden in a couple of months.
Oh ex, sorry didn't quite read that :X

Well dude I've been through a love depression but I'm in luv again after 3 years of pain, whatever happened has done nothing but good, because now I'm incomparably more mature, so if I made it through you will find your woman too to make her caipirinhas ;)
WTF?! I'm not depressed :lol: she had to move and I said ok, no problem. We're still friends, I'll have to move soon too so it wasn't something unexpected really... and she wasn't brazilian, that was another girl friend of mine, my ex is from finland.
WTF?! I'm not depressed :lol: she had to move and I said ok, no problem. We're still friends, I'll have to move soon too so it wasn't something unexpected really... and she wasn't brazilian, that was another girl friend of mine, my ex is from finland.


Sorry I got emotional there.

I'm going to bed before I say something stupid again.

DISMEMBER + ALCOHOL FTW! But wait.. asshole stuff? YER GHEY? Bah I'm going to bed.