stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

How wonderful, really in general Sweden is quite a nice place but there are some things that suck big time and the view on alcohol is one of them. You must be 20 to buy alcohol and the only palce to get alcohol is in a store called "Systembolaget" and it is closed almost the entire weekends when most people acctually drink :(
Yeah,that sucks but it alo has some good sides.For example here anyone can buy alcohol anywhere anytime which isnt really good.There was a huge scandal last year when some 11 year old kids got alcohol poisoning because they drunk some cheap alcohol they bought in the store near school.:erk: Its actually scary to see how kids here are getting worse but thats maybe just me but I still dont think its normal to see 12 year old girls going out in clubs and bars more than I do,wearing too much make up and being completely wasted in 4 am.
Yeah,that sucks but it alo has some good sides.For example here anyone can buy alcohol anywhere anytime which isnt really good.There was a huge scandal last year when some 11 year old kids got alcohol poisoning because they drunk some cheap alcohol they bought in the store near school.:erk: Its actually scary to see how kids here are getting worse but thats maybe just me but I still dont think its normal to see 12 year old girls going out in clubs and bars more than I do,wearing too much make up and being completely wasted in 4 am.

the thing about "systembolaget" is that people who can't get alcohol the legal way get it illegally instead. i think lots of younger people think alcohol is cool and grown up just because of this (and therefore drink more than they would if everyone could get it), which really eliminates the purpose of the whole thing :p