stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

lulz, I used to be like you... now, I just throw away everything I don't use, it doesn't matter if is useful or not, thing that I don't need = garbage, haha, sometimes I miss some stuff tho :erk:
I pretty much keep everything I have, whether I need it or not, so now my room is simply starting to get too full..
So yeah, time to throw half of it away.
Also, BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW:lol: I was so thirsty I just took a random bottle of lemonade out of the basement, and took quite a few swigs before I realised it was full of mould.:ill::ill::ill:
:lol: last time I properly cleaned my room was because my mom made me do it and she even helped. I had books from year 9 (I'm in university now) in my room :lol: that's how bad it was. I'm not like that anymore though :p I keep my room nice and tidy now :saint:

Also, Coca Cola does nothing for you :p it just rots your teeth and your insides. Now that I think of it, that's brutal :kickass:
fanta is too acid for me, my throat hurts when I drink it, dunno why, I used to love it :( I like the green one tho, the apple fanta... coca cola may rot your teeth but, alcohol annihilates your liver... I can live without teeth, my liver is a sanctuary :loco: