stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Nothing will be able to live up to Doom 1 & 2. It is impossible. The shareware alone kept my young mind amused for many months, it was just that good

Apparently John Carmack has said he definitely has plans for a Doom 4, but no official announcements obviously.

Edit: Nevermind that was an official announcement.
did anyone tried PREY? I remember I saw the preview and I thought it was awesome, when I went to buy the game there were no more copies of it on the store, so I bought F.E.A.R. instead, after that I forgot all about it and now that you mention the DOOM engine, I remembered that PREY used it too, same with QUAKE 4.
Prey was pretty good actually, at the time the portal thing was a really cool addition too. I'd say it was better than Quake 4 anyways. That says very little though, Quake has sucked balls ever since Quake 2 came out and got its ass handed to it by Unreal:p
Me either. I figured if I was going to choose a multiplayer shooter I'd stick with Unreal Tournament and Team Fortress series. Sadly UT3 did not turn out as good as I'd hoped. Too much focus on graphics and dumbing down interface these days.

I'm about to go try Red Alert 3 now
My connection is being an asshat so ET can't stay connected long enough for a game. Thus FEAR 2 demo time. Hopefully this one is scarier than the first, I find the whole little girl trend to be more annoying than even slightly nerve-wracking. I need another Silent Hill 1. Even Stalker had some pretty spooky parts
Well it is just the demo....ideally, you don't want to piss people off so much that they throw their controller through the TV when playing it. ;)

Glad you guys liked the demo, though. I invested 3 years of my life into that thing, haha.


You worked on FEAR? o_O Impressive.


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I just got through FEAR 2 demo. I like what I see so far, I'll be grabbing the game when it comes out

51 posts to go! Glad to say it's not spam posts!