stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Haha, I envy some people's ability to sleep through anything. My ex could sleep through Decapitated blasting in my car. How did these people make it past natural selection? :lol:. I wake up once every hour and a half or so automatically, and any noise within the house will wake me unless I have a loud fan running to drown the quiet stuff out. It would be great if only I lived in the fucking jungle.

lol, i've slept through the house alarm once :D
Well my neighbor is crying right now. She got kicked out of her house by the health department and they condemned the house as well. She was a hoarder a person that collects garbage and old broken junk. The junk wasn't the problem several fire codes broken and deadly mold and other bacteria was growing within the house.
Lmao. I left myself a note on my desktop background once in giant letters. I guess that was the best way to get my own attention during the hangover