stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

unfortunately, not many of you will ever experience what is like the joy of watching Argentineans get beaten.



I used to have nightmares where I saw the Diablo II death screen, back when I played hardcore :)

haha, i used to dream i found awesome items, and when i woke up i still thought i had them until i logged on to :erk:

:lol:! I laugh because in my Diablo 2 obsession days I had both of these as well, especially the item one. I had dreams of getting the perfect stat Bhammer and pwning everyone in D2 Classic duels. Eventually my dreams came true though, and I found an almost perfect +2 Bhammer to beat the fuck out of those dupe users!

Man I wish I'd known you guys back then we would have had a blast
i rarely have dreams but i had one the other night about dying in diablo 3 hardcore.

never had dream about losing my teeth.

this dream was pretty much the first one of the year.

am i dead inside?
I think everyone dreams some just dream more intensely and remember them more. I usually remember a lot of dreams because I am a very light sleeper. I wake easily so I interrupt my dreams more frequently and I can remember them clearly for a little while.

And I think I might have had a losing my teeth dream caused by Diablo 2
I think everyone dreams some just dream more intensely and remember them more. I usually remember a lot of dreams because I am a very light sleeper. I wake easily so I interrupt my dreams more frequently and I can remember them clearly for a little while.

And I think I might have had a losing my teeth dream caused by Diablo 2

ah that might be it. im about as heavy a sleeper as they come XD. sometimes alarms wont wake me up. (or they do but its so brief i instantly turn off the alarm without becoming conscious)
Haha, I envy some people's ability to sleep through anything. My ex could sleep through Decapitated blasting in my car. How did these people make it past natural selection? :lol:. I wake up once every hour and a half or so automatically, and any noise within the house will wake me unless I have a loud fan running to drown the quiet stuff out. It would be great if only I lived in the fucking jungle.