stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

So my class got cancelled today because the lecturer didn't come in and now I'm here bored, doing fuck all >.<
No you are sending me strange clips from youtube on msns! Not fuck all :p

EDIT: WTF A IDIOT, I am glad he will never have children, less tards in gene pool :loco:
Feh, I own all of his stuff. I love that man! Dressed to Kill is his best, Glorious is good to. Circle is good, that Darth Vader thing in the canteeen of my favorites clips

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in england :loco: well, she has been kinda busy lately, I told her that some of the guys here have been asking for her but as I said before, she's a busy girl :) I miss her here quite a lot, and even on msn is difficult to catch her at times. :( I miss her.
why? because I look like a psycho or because you won't see her here in quite a long time? :) it sucks to see para bellum and darkgift flirting you know... FU!