stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

We also have stripper dwarf tosses, famous Pizza (apparently known across Canada), a bandit that keeps on trimming city owned trees and bushes into the shape of giant penises (no seriously, a serial penis tree trimmer)... An old senile guy that wanders around the streets wearing a giant cowboy hat full of peacock feathers (that everyone knows), a mysterious constant rumbling/shaking that you can feel city-wide that science can't figure out and... No that about covers it. I think the rumbling is because Satan is manufacturing guns for Detroit. Not much else going on around these parts.

Oh and one time a guy in a pickup was driving about 160km/h and ramped his car over a flower bed and into the roof of a body shop. Dukes of Hazard style... That was pretty sweet.

I'm moving over. Which genre is our superstar band gonna play?
Idk why but I googled this :lol:

this is it. my favorite post ever