stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Last night I was fuck as drunk and almost bought 8 David Attenborough documentaries on blu-ray. At the time I thought it would be swell to watch a bunch of insects and lizards and birds. I'm now hungover and I can't decide if I'm glad I stopped myself, or if I want to watch a spider do a mating dance to British narration.
Last night I was fuck as drunk and almost bought 8 David Attenborough documentaries on blu-ray. At the time I thought it would be swell to watch a bunch of insects and lizards and birds. I'm now hungover and I can't decide if I'm glad I stopped myself, or if I want to watch a spider do a mating dance to British narration.
The 2nd one.

I've bought Planet Earth 2 in 4K and now I'm just waiting until I buy a 4K monitor/TV to watch it. My biggest issue is that all 4K monitors are 60Hz and I can't to back to 60Hz now after using 120/144Hz for 5 years.

If only ASUS will hurry up and release up their PG27UQ (4K HDR, Quantum Dots, 144Hz), I'll be able to watch Planet Earth 2. :\
I love documentaries, but it's better I don't impulse buy while drunk enough to have a one-way conversation with the cat. I might still buy a few of them though, I could watch insect and lizard documentaries all day.
Oh and fuck you Photobucket. I will go make my own image hosting site with black jack and hookers.

I ditched photobucket in like 2008 or earlier, welcome to the 2017 pal.

2008 was almost 10 years ago and now I made myself sad, thanks
Dont it make you sad? Seems like ever since 2010 everything has went to shit.

That's the exact year when everything started to fall apart, yes.

Fuck 2010, wish I could go back and change at least few things so 2018 would suck just a little bit less.